Remus And Disappointment

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She stumbled into her dorm room, which was thankfully empty. The other girls must have still in the Great Hall having breakfast. 

She was usually back before they awoke, but now that it was December, the sunrises were getting later, and for the first time, they had woken up before she had returned to the dorm room.

They had noticed her meeting up with him lately. They would surely just think that she had spent the night with him up the astronomy tower, or perhaps fallen asleep in the library. She had actually fallen asleep in the library once before.

Her wrist throbbed with pain. She walked to the windowsill next to her bed where her books sat in a neat alphabetically organised pile. Her wand sat on top of the pile.

She lifted it up and pointed it at the pile.

"Wingardium leviosa." She recited, lifting the book on top of Healing Magic so that the pile split in two.

She lifted the healing magic book carefully with her left hand, before setting the other books back on top. She made her way over to her bed to set the book down on her dark navy bed covers.

The book was pristine. She liked to keep her things neat and tidy. Although the book was years old, it looked as though it could have just been taken off the shelf at Flourish & Blotts.

Surprisingly, she had never fixed a broken bone before.

Tears began to gather in her eyes again, and then she heard voices approaching outside of her dorm room door. She quickly brushed the tears away with the sleeve of her left hand and plastered a smile on her lips as the door swung open and her friends walked in.

"There you are!" Josie exclaimed.

"We know what you've been up to!" Beth joked, wiggling her eyebrows.

She smiled and covered her face with her hands, feigning embarrassment. A sharp pain shot through her wrist as she lifted it, but she managed to hide the pain-stricken look which must have surely flashed on her face behind her hands.

"Here, we brought you a croissant." Beth said, pulling a neat bundle of tissue from under her robes, and throwing it onto her bed.

She reached her hand out, and pain shot up her arm once again. She looked at Beth and Josie, who were both busy packing their satchels full of books. The scent of the croissant made her feel ravenous. It didn't help that she had been out all night, burning off energy, and now she was exhausted. The thought of skipping her lessons came to mind, but she couldn't, she would fall  behind, and people were bound to wonder where she was and start asking questions.

Her eyes darted to her copy of Healing Magic that was still sat on her bed. It would be impossible to do it now without causing her friends to become suspicious. She looked up and noticed that Beth and Josie had both finished packing their bags and were waiting for her.

"Sorry... Uhh... I'll just..." She mumbled, standing up and heading to windowsill next to her bed once more. 

"Which books do I need?" She asked. Her mind was crowded. It was too much.

Visions of Remus in his wolf form swam in and out of her mind, and the pain still throbbed in her wrist.

"Gosh, that boy really did a number on you!" Josie laughed, walking over to her and patting her on the back. 

Josie grabbed the neat pile of books and disordered them, pulling out two books, and leaving the others in a toppled mess on the windowsill.

"Here." She said, handing the two books over.

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