Remus and the Realisation

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April came around just as quickly as March had.

Remus and Freya were sat besides the Black Lake. The crescent moon loomed on the horizon, a constant reminder of the burden that they carried. The burden that they both shared. 

As they watched the ripples dance across the surface of the lake, Freya's thoughts swirled with uncertainty about her future. She knew that being a werewolf presented a challenge that most of the other students couldn't comprehend, apart from Remus.

Under the soft moonlight, Remus and Freya sat close together, their hands intertwined. They had grown even closer since the last full moon that they spent together, their shared experiences as werewolves forming an unbreakable bond between them. 

"I've been thinking a lot about what lies ahead." Freya began. 

Remus turned to look at her, but her gaze never left the rippling surface of the lake. 

"Being a werewolf, it feels like my options are limited, like I'm destined to live in the shadows." She added, before turning to face him.

Remus gently brushed a strand of hair away from Freya's face, his expression filled with tenderness. 

He thought for a moment before responding.

"I used to feel the same way. I'd think about it every single day, and it was suffocating. But meeting you has changed that. You've given me hope. Being a werewolf used to eat at me alive, I felt that it was my entire identity, but things are different now."

"Really?" She asked, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

"Absolutely." Remus affirmed, his voice unwavering. "I used to feel that I had no future, that I'd never make friends, have a job, have a normal life, but Hogwarts changed all that. I've made the best friends I could possibly ask for, and have been given the chance to get my qualifications so that I can have a future."

A glimmer of hope shone in Freya's eyes. 

"It's just that the world can be so cruel sometimes." She whispered, her eyes shining in the pale moonlight.

Remus nodded in agreement. "You're right. But we don't have to face it alone. We have each other and those who accept us for who we are. And who knows, maybe someday we'll be able to change people's perceptions, to show them that werewolves aren't monsters. We're witches and wizards just like them, just with some extra special features." He laughed, making Freya smile.

Freya leaned her head on Remus's shoulder, finding comfort in his words and presence. "I want to believe in that future, Remus. You're almost making me believe that it may be possible."

Remus wrapped his arms around her in a comforting embrace. "We can do it you know... And I promise, I'll always be there for you, no matter what the future holds."

They sat in silence for a while, taking in the conversation that had just taken place, and enjoying each other's company. They knew that they understood each other in ways that others couldn't comprehend.

As the night grew darker, Remus and Freya decided it was time to return to their respective houses. They reluctantly left their spot by the lake, fingers still intertwined, and began walking back towards the castle. 

The journey through the castle was quiet, with only the soft echoes of their footsteps breaking the silence. They passed by the portraits of stern-faced witches and wizards, and Remus couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as they reached the Ravenclaw tower, meaning that their time together was nearly over.

"Thank you for walking me back." Freya whispered, turning to face Remus. 

Remus smiled gently. "That's okay." He told her.

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