Remus and Lips

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Remus waited at the bottom of the astronomy tower. He nervously picked at the skin around his nails and thought back to all the times when Sirius would catch him doing so, and would playfully swat at his hands.

The cold air drifted down the astronomy staircase and nipped at Remus under his jumper. He pulled at his scarf, tightening it around his neck to preserve the warmth, and tucked his fingertips up inside the long sleeves of his jumper.

Freya made her way along the corridors until she reached her destination. She could faintly make out the slouched silhouette of Remus through the darkness. She could tell it was him. He was so tall, yet he slouched over, almost as though trying to hide his height, although Freya thought his height made him look graceful.

"Remus?" She called as she walked towards him.

"Hey, Freya." He smiled, turning around to face her.

It was fairly dark, but Remus could make out that Freya was also dressed warmly, with a thick coat and a white bobble hat.

The pair climbed the winding steps up to the astronomy tower, their wands glowing softly from the lumos spells which they had cast to light the way. Remus turned to face Freya again once they reached the top. He noticed how her dark eyes twinkled in the soft light cast from her wand.

With a swish of Remus's wand, two bean bags appeared, and the pair settled there under the stars.

"I brought you coffee." Freya said, fishing in her bag for the flask which she had asked the house elves to make.

Remus thanked her as she handed it to him. Their cold fingertips brushed, filling Remus with warmth. He sipped at his coffee as she sipped at her tea, and they chatted and enjoyed each other's presence under the stars.

"Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Cassiopeia." Freya recited, leaning back in her bean bag and pointing at the constellations.

"Hahaha, you mean big saucepan, little saucepan and house looking thing." Remus joked, also leaning back in his bean bag. He knew the names of the constellations, he was Remus Lupin, of course he did.

Freya giggled a little before continuing to name the constellations.

"Canis Major, Pegasus, Lupus."


Remus froze. She didn't know. She couldn't know. Could she?

He was just being paranoid, she was simply naming constellations.

"Freya?" Remus asked, his eyes scanning the dark abyss as he wondered what he was going to say next.

Remus shivered a little bit. He couldn't tell if it was from the cold or the nerves.

Should he tell her?

Should he keep it a secret?

How would she react?

"Yes, Remus?" She asked, turning to look at him.

Remus sat up and Freya followed suit, pushing herself up from her beanbag so that she was sitting facing Remus.

His eyes scanned the stars once again, searching for a sign, for an answer.

A shooting star leapt across the sky, burning up as it entered the Earth's atmosphere, and Remus decided that this was it. This was the universe's way of telling Remus that he could tell Freya.

He closed his eyes and quickly made his wish.

I hope that she reacts well.

He opened his eyes.


She nodded, smiling at him, and this urged him to continue.

"Lately I've been thinking about you a lot. I've been so unable to get the thought of you from my mind." He said, looking down at his hands. He had begun to pick them again from the nerves.

She leaned closer, her eyes telling him to continue.

"Your eyes. Your smile. Your laugh. Your lips. God, you haven't the faintest idea how much I've wanted to kiss those lips." Remus laughed.

"Then why don't you?" Freya asked, her head tilting to one side in question.

Remus let out a breathy laugh before beginning to lean forward. 

Freya closed her eyes and leaned her head to the left, her lips awaiting his.

They moved so slowly, so gently, until their lips finally met.

Remus's mind raced over how he had dreamt of this so many times, yet no dream could ever compare to the real thing.  Freya's lips were soft and warm on this cold winter night. Remus wanted more of them, to feel more of her, so he deepened the kiss, applying more pressure as their lips moved in sync.

Remus cupped Freya's face with his hands, and she pulled him closer, with one hand on the back of his neck.

Not so fast Remus. Not so fast  he told himself. 

You don't want to ruin this.

All good things had to come to an end, and a short time later, they parted. 

Remus licked his lips, the taste of Freya still lingering.

Freya's cheeks glowed pink, even in the darkness.

"I like you too Remus." She answered, although it was evident from their kiss.

Remus wrapped an arm around her, and they returned to gazing up at the cosmos.

The Marauders: MoonyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora