Remus and the Light

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Candlelight. It cast a warm glow around the common room, the only other source of light being the soft glow given off from the dying embers in the fireplace.

It was 2 am according to Remus's watch, but he could not sleep. He needed to finish his story.

He did not know why he felt so compelled to do so, it's not as though he were going to show anyone, it was just an outlet. He felt a sense of relief with every single word that left his head, flowed through his arm and was etched out onto the parchment.

Remus broke a square of chocolate off the bar sitting on the table, placing it on his tongue and allowing it to melt in his mouth. He liked to let it melt as long as he could, resisting the temptation to eat it straight away.

The last few embers in the fire died and Remus suddenly felt cold, pulling at the woven material of his oversized jumper.

He rubbed his eyes and glanced at his watch once again before deciding that bed may be a good decision, after all, he did have lessons in the morning, and it was best that he paid attention, with the full moon approaching soon.

On his way to bed, Remus looked out at the glowing orb in the sky, the one that had caused him so much suffering and pain. Yet, he still could not allow himself to hate it, no matter how much he wanted to. He looked closely at its craters, dark patches, and knew that it had been through a lot more than him.

Remus awoke to the sound of the boys' footsteps as they rushed around getting ready. He threw a hand through his hair, put on his glasses and shrugged on his jumper, and soon the boys left and went down for breakfast.

In the Great Hall, Remus saw Freya. He watched as she nibbled her toast and laughed with her friends. She looked so effortlessly beautiful in the soft morning sunlight that swept in through the windows and danced across her face.

Remus wondered what she would think of him if she knew his secret. If she knew what he really was. 

Could someone as soft and gentle as her possibly understand the animalistic and bloodthirsty instincts that he was prone to once a month?

He hadn't noticed that he was staring, but soon, her eyes lifted and caught his from across the room. She smiled and nodded, and he felt a grin grace his face.

He felt something nudge his foot and looked up to see Sirius Black smirking at him, a knowing smile on his face.

"Looks like little Remus was lying about the girl being just a friend." Sirius joked, causing Remus's cheeks to glow pink.

"I wasn't... She is... Just a friend." He managed to mumble through his embarrassment.


Remus, although considered the most rule-abiding marauder, was actually quite the opposite, he was just very smart at it, often causing fits of shock or laughter from the other three.

Later that day in transfiguration, the class was silent, apart from the sounds of quills scratching at the paper, or the occasional shuffle as someone unrolled a bit more parchment.

Remus moved his hand before the ink was dry, smudging a couple of lines.

"Shit." He swore, the word tumbling from his mouth without a second thought.

"Who was that?" Professor McGonagall snapped, her eyes scanning the classroom as Sirius began to snigger.

"Sirius Black, you should know not to swear in this holy, sacred school." Remus scolded, holding back his own laughter.

"Mr Black!" Professor McGonagall scolded.

"It wasn't me!" He protested, laughter erupting from his mouth.

McGonagall gave the boys a look, before turning back around.


"I'll give you Moony!" Sirius joked, running towards him as they got out of the classroom.

Remus glanced behind him before taking off into a run, Sirius close behind him.

"Only if you can catch me!" He shouted, sprinting down the corridoor.

Remus rounded the corner and quickly collided with something, falling to the floor.

"Ouch." He said, rubbing his head as he sat up.

"Oh! Freya! I'm so sorry!" He said, springing to his feet and offering her a hand.

"Oh, Remus! That's okay." She said, taking his offer and getting up, dusting off her skirt and her robes.

Remus noticed her books all over the floor and quickly began to collect them for her.

"You don't have to- Oh thank you." She said as Remus handed her the books.

"I'm sorry, again." He said shyly, nibbling on his bottom lip.

"That's okay! Really!" She said.

"Oh. You've got..." Remus's voice faded as he carefully plucked a feather out of her hair, tucking a loose strand behind her ear.

"Thank you." She said, staring up at him with her glowing eyes.

Remus was sort of in a trance when a fake cough broke it.

"I better..." He said, walking off to the side.

James nudged Remus in the side, giving him a giant smirk.

"Come on Remus, there's no point pretending with us! We're your best mates!" James exclaimed, wrapping an arm around Remus's shoulder as they wandered off to their next lesson.

Remus didn't know that Freya kept watching until he was far out of sight.

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