Remus and the Rumour

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James, Sirius, and Peter were used to making up excuses for Remus.

"Where did Remus get that bruise from?"

"Oh didn't you hear? He fought the giant squid!"

"Why is he always ill?"

"Oh, well, he's seriously lactose intolerant but he's just too addicted to chocolate."

Even to the point that it was comical.

"Oh didn't you hear? Remus killed Voldermort."

"Remus? Who's Remus?"

A lot of people assumed he had a rare genetic disease.

"But don't worry, you can't catch it!" The Marauders would add.

"So... Remus... Tell me more about this rare genetic disease." Freya asked as they strolled through Hogsmeade.

"Oh... It's very confusing and complicated." Remus replied, biting down on his bottom lip. 

They strolled in a comfortable silence until they reached the edge of the village, where they found a bench and sat down.

"I've really enjoyed today Remus." Freya said.

"Me too." He replied, smiling down at her. He noticed her shiver in the bitter Winter air and put his arm around her, pulling her closer.

His heart rate increased and he let out the breath he had been holding, his warm breath turning white in the cold air.

She rested her head on his shoulder, and they sat there for a while, just enjoying each other's company.

"We should probably be heading back soon." Remus despised the words as they came out of his mouth.

"I think you're right." She nodded, beginning to stand up.

Remus towered over her as he stood. He wondered if this was how the whomping willow felt as they slowly began making their way back to the castle.


"Thank you Remus. I've really enjoyed today." Freya smiled up at him, her cheeks a rosy pink colour from entering the warm castle.

"I have too." He said as they stopped at the Ravenclaw tower.

She looked up at him, her warm eyes piercing his. She pushed herself up onto the tips of her toes, her small hands grasping onto Remus's shoulders for support as the pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek.

"Good night Remus."

"Good night Freya."


Remus wandered back to the common room with a huge smile on his face. He could not care less that the full moon was days away, and that his bones were beginning to ache. The adrenaline was like morphine to him, numbing the pain.

Sirius, James, and Peter were the only ones in the common room. Remus threw himself down onto the sofa in front of the fire and ignored all the eyes on him.

"So...?" Asked Peter.

"So what?" Remus replied, not even opening his eyes.

The boys already knew how Remus's day had gone, as they had been following him around under James's invisibility cloak. And Remus had known it.

"Oh Moony, we started a new rumour." 

Remus opened his eyes, interested by what James would say.

"You and Remus are in a secret relationship and all those marks are from you two getting kinky."

Remus closed his eyes and laughed.

The warmth from the fire and comfort of being with his friends meant it wasn't long until he was asleep.

The sound of his deep breaths filled the common room.

"I have an idea." Said Peter. "How many things do you think we could stack on him?" He asked, tilting his head trying to work it out.

"Let's see." Smirked James, grabbing a pile of books from the table next to him.


When Remus awoke, he was weighed down with about twenty books, a broomstick, several cushions, four goblets, a wizard chess board, a couple of logs from the fireplace, two boxes of Bertie Bott's every flavour beans and none other than Sirius Black himself.

"Padfoot, get off me!" Remus laughed, the objects falling as his chest rose with his words.

"Password please?" Sirius asked in an overly girly voice, imitating the portrait lady.

"I swear to God if you do not get off me this instant, next time you fall asleep I will turn you into a stool and sit on you."

And that is how at 1 am, the entire Gryffindor house was awoken by Remus chasing a very loud Sirius Black around the Gryffindor common room.

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