Remus And The Confrontation

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A few days after the January full moon, Remus began to feel like a new man.

Initially, the recovery had been difficult. Not only had he been recovering from the full moon, but also the cold, which he had caught from his friends. However, the fact that he was aware and present during the full moon had certainly helped. Being aware of himself and his identity had meant that Remus had sustained less injuries than usual, and hence didn't spend any time in the hospital wing afterwards.

This was a rare occasion. Almost every full moon would end up with Remus in the hospital wing for one reason or another. Remus was extremely thankful, as he had missed enough lessons prior to the full moon due to his illness, and he really couldn't afford to miss many more. He already felt very behind.

As soon as Remus felt like himself again, he was filled with drive, determination and purpose.

He needed to know what he had done.

He wanted to apologise if he had somehow hurt her.

He wanted to repair what they had.

Remus wasn't usually the confrontational type, but he had decided that he deserved answers to his questions, and he was determined to get them.

The weekend rolled around and the four boys sat on their respective beds, each one cradling a steaming mug of hot chocolate that Peter had gotten from the house elves in the kitchens. Remus was dipping squares of chocolate into the hot liquid, and then putting the melted mess onto his tongue.

"Mucky pup." Sirius laughed from the next bed over, noticing Remus's hands covered in melted chocolate.

"Would you like some, Padfoot?" Remus offered, but Sirius shook his head, a small smile on his lips.

Remus could just about make out his friends faces. Each boy had whispered 'lumos' and set their wands in a glass on their bedside table, so the room was lit slightly by their DIY bedside lamps.

"I don't know how I should approach this." Remus confided in his friends. He wanted a plan. Remus liked plans. He was usually the one creating them, but this time he really wanted the valuable input of his friends. Both James and Sirius had far more experience with girls than Remus, and even Peter did too, although he mostly kept things to himself.

"Why don't I blackmail Snivellus into creating you a batch of amortentia?" Sirius responded.

Remus knew that Sirius was joking, but he still rolled his eyes at him. He wished that Sirius and James weren't so against Severus, although he knew it was because of Severus's blood status snobbery and concerning love of the dark arts. 

Remus thought back to the amortentia offer.

"It's not the love part I'm concerned about. I just need to know why she's avoiding me." Remus mumbled, staring down into the dark swirls in his mug.

"Just talk to her Moony." James sighed, after taking a big sip of his drink.

"It's not that easy... I've tried." Remus responded quietly, furrowing his eyebrows.

When Sunday dawned, Remus decided that he would just have to find her. It was a daunting thought, approaching someone who was actively avoiding him. He had never had to do it before. Remus couldn't think of anyone who had acted this way towards him before, and it hurt. It hurt even more than it would if a stranger were to act this way, as he had thought that they were friends. He had hoped that they were more than friends.

It was a drizzly sort of day, so most students and staff were huddled up inside the castle somewhere. The four boys spent the majority of the day playing wizard chess in the Gryffindor common room.

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