Chapter 6 - There's no place like class

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All week, I debated whether I should mention what happened to Jenna. But I never told her about my dance class, and I'm still not ready for anyone to know about that. So when she asks what's wrong, I tell her someone from one of my classes said some mean things to me.

It's not a lie. Michael is from a class I'm taking, and he was a douchebag. I just don't go into details.

Jenna, being Jenna, is outraged on my behalf, at the same time as she is trying to find excuses for the person being a jerk. I have to remind her she doesn't know this person, and in this case, she needs to side with her friend and allow me to bitch about him.

So she does. Because that's who she is.

I avoid any hang outs where D might be present all week. Come Friday morning, I've convinced myself that the almost kiss did not happen. It was all in my head, and tomorrow I can go to dance class and act normal in front of him.

It's the first time my film class is meeting, and it's one of the few classes I'm very excited about. The film class at UNI is notoriously hard to get into. Everyone wants it, so it's only open to sophomores and juniors and acceptance is based on grades. Throughout the years, it's become a status symbol to take the class.

It's a simple pass/fail class and one of the easiest passes at UNI. Every week, our homework is to watch a movie. In class, we discuss it. The focus is on cultural differences, especially in the workplace, so anyone wanting to do business on an international level takes it as a quick and fun primer to learn about dos and don'ts in the business world.

This will be the first time the class meets. I'm ready with several pages of notes on the movie we were to watch.

Too excited to stay in bed, I get up early and clean the kitchen. Lydia had another late night out and was apparently hungry when she came home.

I finish the dishes just as the doorbell rings. Wiping my hands, I open it to find Jenna.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask and invite her in.

"I was wondering if I could borrow your red dress? Julian asked me out tonight, and I have nothing to wear."

"Sure. Let me just try to get Lydia up first. She has a class in half an hour."

Jenna follows me as I knock on Lydia's door and go into her room. Her clothes are strewn across the floor and she is sleeping soundly on her stomach, black smudges around her eyes letting us know she didn't remove her make-up last night.

"Lydia." I grab her shoulder and shake. "Lydia, it's past nine."

She grumbles and turns away from me.

"You have class," I say, but I already know it's a futile effort.

"How late did she stay out?" Jenna asks.

"I think I heard her come in around three thirty."

"I don't think she'll be going to class today."

I shake my head and kick her shoes out of my way as I leave the room. "You might be right."

"It's so strange to think you're twins."

"I agree." I hurry to my room to find the dress Jenna wants to borrow. It's a simple red dress with thick straps and a skirt that flares. "Do you need a cardigan to go with?" I ask as I hand it to her.

"No, I think I'll wear my white one."

She takes the dress off the hanger and carefully folds it. I know she'll steam it to get the wrinkles out and she'll return it dry cleaned and perfect. It's one reason I let her borrow whatever she wants. Had it been Lydia, I would have had to go pick it up off her bedroom floor and hope that the mysterious stains were just alcohol or food related.

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