Chapter 37 - Let's dance the crowd away

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"Ellie, what are you doing here?" comes a bored voice.

I turn around and manage not to lose my smile. Mia and Elsa are coming towards me. Their hair and make-up are flawless and their dresses are exquisite.

"Mia. Elsa. Nice to see you again."

Two men step up to them.

"This is my fiance, Cameron," Elsa says and takes the arm of the man with the glasses.

I shake his hand and look at the other man. "Julian."

"Ellie, how are you?"

I can see pain in his eyes, but I don't know if it's because he's uncomfortable talking to me, or something else.

"Good, I'm good. Are you bidding on something?" I ask and gesture to the room.

"Maybe," Elsa says. "Come on, honey, I hear there's a trip to Hawaii up for grabs."

"I'll come with," Mia says. "It was great meeting you again." She gives me a smile that's bordering on cold and hurries off.

"So," Julian says and sways on his heels.

"How have you been?" I ask and remind myself that I promised Jenna I would be polite to him.

"So, I think... Does Jenna hate me?"

I study his face. He's not the bad guy. He thought D was telling him the truth. If Jenna told me something similar, wouldn't I break up with the guy?

"She's been sad," I say. "But I don't think Jenna is capable of ever hating anyone."

He nods. "She's the best person I know. And the kindest. I never meant to make her sad."

"I... know."

"You know what happened? Does she?"

"How much has D told you?"

"He told me he was wrong. He told me he's an idiot and I never should have listened to him."

"That's all true." I bite my lip. "I haven't told her yet. I wasn't sure how to do that without hurting her more."

"I understand." He runs a hand through his hair. "Could you? Or should I? Can I talk to her? Will she see me if I go to her? Ellie, I don't know what to do. You have to help me."

He's holding out his hand as if I have the antidote to the poison he's been drinking. But this is about Jenna. And perhaps it's time I come clean with her.

"I'll talk to her."

"Good. Yes. Good. Maybe that's best. And if she wants me, if there's even the slightest chance she might care for me, will you tell her to call me? Or meet me? Or something, I don't care."

"I will."

His face goes dark. "Is she seeing anyone?"

"No. Of course not."

"Does she still care for me?"

"I think she will always care for you." I'm not sure what Jenna would be comfortable with me revealing.

"But do you think I have a chance? Even a small one?"

I take a deep breath. Then I nod quickly.

"Thank you. I have to go. Mia is gesturing for me. But thank you Ellie. I owe you one."

There's relief on his face as he leaves me, and I want to be happy for him. Because I do think Jenna still loves him. But there's a hollowness in my chest, a constant reminder of how stupid I've been.

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