Chapter 12 - Dance, dance... more? ❤️

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I dress as unsexily as I can for dance class. An oversized t-shirt and leggings. I don't trust myself around that man anymore. Not after the thoughts I had about him as I tried to go to sleep.

But I'm determined to not let him get to me. What I felt yesterday was only in my head, and it probably wasn't even as hot as I remember. I was horny because it's been a while. And that was it.

I take a deep breath and step inside.

He's already there, and he looks hot as fuck.

I immediately feel a surge in the lower part of my stomach. He's wearing a tight sleeveless shirt that shows off his well-trained body.

"It's Ellie, right?"

I almost don't notice the woman next to me.

"What?" I shake my head. "Yes." I turn to the young woman.

"I'm Naomi." She smiles and I can see past the bridezilla who insists their first dance has to be perfect. She's dressed in a wide, knee-length dress with yellow flowers, her hair is styled as if she came straight from the hairdresser and her make-up flawless.

I'm not wearing make-up and I'm starting to regret it as I stand next to her.

"You're doing much better with your new partner," she says.

I blink at her. "Thank you."

She lowers her voice. "What Michael did was crass, and I wanted you to know he's a dolt."

"A dolt?" I stare at her as her cheeks redden but before she has time to answer, Irina enters the room and Naomi runs off to her fiance.

"I hope we're all excited," she says as she walks to the front of the room. "We are about to learn one of my favorite dances. Rumba. It's sensual and requires you to activate your hips. Done correctly, it's a mesmerizing dance to watch."

I reach D and avoid eye contact as Irina shows us the steps. We practice independently for a while and I'm happy for it. The longer I can avoid touching him, the better.

Once Irina judges our box steps to be adequate, she turns on the music. It's sensual and alluring, and all sorts of images run through my head.

"You're going to have to touch me, eventually."

I jump as D speaks near my ear. Touch him?

"What?" My mouth falls open and my eyes are wide.

He raises his eyebrows. "For the dance. What did you think I meant?"

"Oh." I hold my breath. "No, that's what I thought you meant."

He steps closer to me than he needs to and puts his hand on my shoulder blade. I lift my arm and wish his shirt had sleeves.

He takes my other hand and brings it up beside us.


"Step, side, together," I mumble and nod.

He takes a step forward and I quickly move my foot back. My mind goes blank and I forget what to do. It messes up his rhythm and we stumble and come to a stop.

"Sorry," I say.

"Ellie? Look at me."

I finally meet his eyes. He's taller than me and I have to lean my head up.


"We can do this."

"Bring your hips into it," Irina says nearby. Not to us, I don't think. We don't even have our feet with us yet.

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