Chapter 7 - Dancing on fire

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I had a week to get over what Michael did, but I still hesitate before I walk into the dance class. This is my dream, and I'm determined not to let some asshat get in my way. But at the same time, I'm not looking forward to spending another hour getting yelled at by him.

The room goes quiet as I enter, and I try to ignore the looks from the others. Peter and his fiance, Kate, look at me with pity. I stand up straighter and scan the room. D is glaring at Michael, and for a delusional second, I'm glad he's on my side. Then I remember who he is.

I start walking over to Michael, smiling at the elderly couple who most of the time seem to be in their own little world.

"Ellie," Irina calls out from the door. "Do you have a moment?"

I gladly delay my meeting with Michael and follow her out of the room.

"What's up?" I ask and frown at her soft smile.

"So, I'm not sure we can continue like before. What happened last time was unacceptable."

"I didn't do anything," I say as dread and bile rises.

"No, I know. But I don't think you and Michael are bringing out the best in each other."

I swallow. Is she kicking me out?

"He verbally attacked me." I hear the shakiness in my voice and realize this class means so much more to me than I thought. "I came here to learn how to dance. You can't kick me out."

She's taken aback. "I know. The best solution would be to change partners. I saw you talking to Dylan, and I hope you two have gotten over your differences."

I clench my jaw tight, not sure how to answer that.

"I think the two of you might be a better match when it comes to skill level."

That was a nice way of saying we both sucked.

"I don't think that will work." I kick my feet along the floor. "There has to be another way."

"I really don't want to break up any of the established couples. That will detract from their experience. And it's hard enough to find the right amount of singles for one of these classes. Usually, I don't accept singles for this very reason. But since I could pair up two single women and two single men, I gave it a go. I hope you can understand the position I'm in here."

I nod. As much as I would love to not dance with either of the men, I think D might be the lesser of two evils.

"Great, I'll let the others know, but I wanted to make sure this worked for you first."

I take a few deep breaths before I return to the class. Irina is already talking to D and his partner. As I enter, his eyes find mine and he frowns slightly.

"And she's ok with that?" he asks.

I give him the slightest nod and lower my eyes.

"I think it will be for the best."

Stacey wanders off to Michael without more prompting, and I realize it's better for them as well. Stacey and Michael are much better than D and I. So I'm sure she's happy about the switch.

"Let's pick this up where we left off," Irina says to the room. "Remember, all you need to know is slow-slow-quick-quick."

Everyone gets into position and as the music starts, their feet move in perfect harmony.

I take a deep breath. D walks toward me and we meet halfway. He holds out his hands and I steel myself as I step into his arms. Somehow, it never felt this intimate with Michael.

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