Chapter 28 - This kitten bites back

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The following day, Charlie and I are enjoying a cup of tea in the sitting room.

"I talked to a grief counselor," Charlie says. "She has an office near UNI and would be happy to see Lydia. Or you. If you think it would help. She comes highly recommended and if she can't help you, she has all these resources and can send you to someone who can."

"I don't think Lydia is ready to accept it yet. And I don't want to push her. When we were little, the neighbor's dog died. She refused to listen to anyone talk about him for months. We thought she was in denial. She would take the long way around to avoid the place where he used to greet us through the fence. I overheard mom and dad talking about it. But then one day, she just sighed and said how much she missed him."

"That doesn't sound normal."

I shrug. "I don't know what's normal or not. But I remember how she would scream and act out when we tried to talk to her about it. And then, once she had the time to process, it turned into a normal sadness. It might be the only way she knows how to cope. To distract herself until the pain is manageable."

"I'm still going to give you the number for the grief counselor. I don't know enough about mourning to tell you or her what to do. But I want you to know I'll always be here for you. And I'll get you what you need."

"I know." My eyes tear up as I study the woman who is so concerned for us, and I know she means it. She may be absent from our lives a lot, but that doesn't mean she doesn't care.

The doorbell rings and I take a breath.

"That must be the Darcy's," Charlie says. "I should warn you, Patrick is not the warmest person you'll meet. He has some old-fashioned views on certain things, but you shouldn't let him intimidate you."

I put down my teacup and wipe my palms on my jeans as we get up. Voices reach us from the foyer, and I stay behind Charlie as we go to greet them.

"Charlie," an elegant woman says. She has D's smile.

I look around. The man I assume is Patrick Darcy, is taking off his gloves and greeting George. But there is no sign of D or his friend.

"Ava, how lovely to see you again." Charlie holds the other woman's hands and pulls her in for a small hug. "I don't think you've met my niece, Ellie Bridges."

"Ellie, nice to meet you." Her hand is icy and slightly limp as I shake it.

"I think Ellie knows your son."

"You know D?" Patrick looks me up and down. His eyes are narrow and he looks unimpressed.

"We have a class together, and I've seen him around campus with some mutual friends," I say.

"Hm." Patrick is still looking at me as if he's trying to figure out if I'm worth his time.

"That's nice," Ava says and removes her coat. "He'll be here later. He took a different flight. I'm glad he'll have some company here."

"Would you like some tea?" Charlie asks.

"That would be lovely."

We move into the living room and George and Patrick sit by the fire catching up, while my aunt goes in search of more tea.

"So you go to UNI?" Ava asks as we sit down.

"I do. I'm a sophomore."

"And what's your major?"


"Finance?" Patrick is leaning forward and looking over at us. "You're studying finance?"

"Yes, sir." I meet his stare without flinching.

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