Chapter 32 - The truth hurts

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He was gone when I woke up. I shouldn't feel bad about that, but I do. He snuck out without waking me, and it hurt me. But I have no right to be hurt. It's just sex.

He must have really worn me out, because it's already late when I wake up. I shower and get dressed before I head down to find some breakfast.

"Good morning, Ellie," Charlie says as I enter the kitchen. "There's a breakfast pie here if you want a piece."

"Sounds great, I'm starving."

Charlie cuts me a piece of the pie, and I sit down at the breakfast bar.

"You won't believe what George did." She's smiling from ear to ear.


She pulls out the necklace. "He gave me this. We said we wouldn't buy gifts for each other and he found the most thoughtful present."

I smile. "I know. He showed it to me."

"You knew he had a gift for me and you didn't tell me?"

I shrug. "It was a surprise."

She studies the rose quartz. "Do you know George doesn't know a thing about crystals? He doesn't believe in them. He thinks it's silly."

I take a bite of the pie. It's delicious.

"But he took the time to learn about them so he could get something meaningful to me."

"I'm starting to think he's a really good guy."

"I love him, Ellie. There's nobody else I would rather have by my side."

I stare at my pie as I poke at it.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I say. "It's just... My dad used to say that about mom."

"Oh, honey." She hugs me tightly. "I'm sorry. This must have been such a rough Christmas for you."

"Actually, it hasn't been so bad."

"Good. Now how about we go do some proper shopping and maybe hit the spa?"

"Sounds like a plan."

We spend the day going from store to store and I find a few items for Jenna and Lydia. I already gave them Christmas presents, but I'm in a strange mood and I just want to get them little things I think will make them happy.

There's a small Italian place with views of the slopes and we get a table with all of our bags and packages. We put in our orders and watch as the skiers slowly move in and out of the trees as the trail curves. It's just starting to snow, large flakes gently float to the ground.

Charlie's phone chimes, and she checks it.

"Oh no."

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"It's my assistant. Apparently something's come up. I hate to do this, but I have to get back to the house right away so I can deal with it. Do you want to stay and enjoy the lunch? On me, of course."

She pulls out a wad of cash and hands it to me.

"Oh, are you leaving?" Knightley comes up to our table with a couple of bags of his own and some melting snowflakes in his hair.

"Oh, this is perfect," Charlie says. "I can leave Ellie here with you. You came for lunch, right?"

"I did, but-"

"Great, I ordered the Tuscan bean soup and focaccia with tomatoes. You can change it if you want."

"Oh, uh, no soup sounds fine."

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