Chapter 7

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"Yoongi, do you want to take a bath?" Yoongi's ears twitched up at the mention, almost immediately shaking his head 'no'

"You have to, Yoongi, you're not a normal cat, you're half human and humans have to shower or bath to get cleaned." Hobi tried to explained. Instead Yoongi turned into a cat and licked himself while looking at Hobi sassily.

"Fine. You're not getting into my bed until you at least shower though." Hobi smirked as the cat looked at him in disbelief before turning back human.

"But that's not fair!" Yoongi complained as he crossed his arms and leaned back against the couch with a pout and his ears pressed against his head, most likely something he learned from Jungkook.

"You heard what I said, Yoongi. Besides, it's not that hard, it's actually fun. You can have bubbles and later put on the onesie I brought you!" Hoseok squealed at how cute Yoongi would be in it.

"Ugh, fine." Yoongi groaned and walked into the room.

"How do you even take a bath?" Yoongi asked.

"Well, first you have to start the water," Hobi sat at the edge of the tub and started the water, Yoongi jumping at the sound as it harshly hit the hard material.

"Why is it so loud?" Yoongi asked as he pressed his ears against his head.

"It is loud for you, huh? How about you sit in the bedroom and I'll get the bath ready, but get the onesie out." Yoongi nodded and went into the bedroom, laying on the bed and wishing he could disappear.

He didn't want to get into water, he's a cat after all. He lazily got up as he remembered what Hobi said about getting the onesie and other products ready, doing that before sitting back down.

"Yoongi, it's ready!" Hobi called out to him. Yoongi pouted and threw his head back and he dragged himself to the bathroom.

"Do you need help taking off your clothes?" Hoseok offered help to Yoongi who shook his head 'no', knowing damn well he did .

"Oh, well I'll probably be making dinner when you get out so just get dressed and do whatever until I call you if I ain't done bye then. Please don't drown." Hoseok smiled before exiting the bathroom leaving Yoongi alone.

Yoongi whimpered as he looked in the mirror, trying to figure out how he was gonna get the right jeans off. He look his hoodi and shirt off in one go, it being the easiest thing ever.

He cringed at the sighing of all the bruises that still remained on his body. Most of them had gone away and this was the least amount of bruises he's seen on his body since his master hasn't been around to beat him lately. Hopefully it stayed like that.

He was so ugly. He was skinny and not buff like Namjoon, had a ugly smile and not a bright one like Hobi, he was quiet and not talkative like Jungkook, his looks were nowhere as good as Taehyung's or Jin's, and he wasn't as cute as Jimin.

He was ugly bitch, a skinny twig, a depressed kid, shy kitten, and a good for nothing broken down toy. All things his old master and clients told him cause they were true. He would have these bruises if he wasn't none of them because he had the bruises for a reason.

He hasn't told Hoseok about his past, abuse, prostitution (forced may I add), and his old master or why he was in that alley.

He wiped his tears he didn't noticed until now away before taking the jeans off with a lot of struggle, almost falling on the bathroom floor about 36 times.

He sighed to himseld before putting one foot in the tub slowing, making sure the temperature was right.

Once he was fully in, he pushed his legs against his knees.

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