Chapter 11 [Final]

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Yoongi woke up wrapped in Hoseok embrace, the first thing he realized was that they were both naked and extreme uncomfortable.

Yoongi immediately went into panic.

'Did we really? Of course we did, why else would we be naked?! That means he saw me, he saw how ugly I really am! What the freak in wrong with you, Yoongi?! You couldn't control yourself for a day and dragged Hoseok in this with you! You're so disgusting and ugly!"

Yoongi started crying from his harsh thoughts, waking Hobi up next to him.

"Yoongi, Yoongi, what's the matter? Are you hurt?" Hoseok immediately asked once her realized that Yoongi was crying pp I'm

"I-I." Yoongi couldn't even talk from how much he was crying. At this point, Hoseok was actually very worried. He got up and put his clothes on, sorting his from Yoongi's before also putting Yoongi's on.

"Yoongi, please tell me why you are crying so much, what's the matter?" Hoseok asked.

He sooner figured out that Yoongi wasn't going to answer due to him crying so he just comforted him through his sobs.

"It's okay, shhh, pretty boys shouldn't cry." Hoseok whispered a bunch of nonsense into the hybrid's ear.

"Can please explain to me now?" Hoseok asked once the hybrid finally seemed to had calmed down.

"I-I was in heat and I didn't want to force you and you probably didn't really want to and just felt bad for me an-and you saw my body and now you probably think I'm ugly." Yoongi gripped his scalp tightly, making Hoseok cringe.

"No, of course not, Yoongi. I personally decided to help you out myself. I don't think you're ugly, you didn't force me to do anything. I love you so much, Yoongi." Hoseok said as he pulled Yoongi into another hug.

"Y-you love me?" Yoongi asked in shock.

"Yes, Yoongi. I love you very much. I don't know if you feel the same way but it's okay if you don't and I won't kick you out." Hoseok started rambling.

"Say it again." Yoongi said as he looked up to Hoseok.

"Say what?" Hoseok said confused.

"The 3 words you said before hugging me." Yoongi gave Hobi a recap.

"I love you?" Hoseok said after thinking for a littling bit.

"I love you, too, Hoba." Yoongi gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"So, will you be my boyfriend? You don't have to say yes, it's jus-" Yoongi gave him another kiss on the lips, a long passionate on.

"Yes. Yes, I will, Hoseok."

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