Chapter 9

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"Hobi, can I talk to you about something?" Yoongi peaked his head into the living room, his body still behind the wall as he tilted his head while looking at Hoseok.

"Of course, Yoongi. What is it?" Hoseok invited Yoongi to sit down on the couch with him which the hybrid accepted.

"Y-you know the bruises you saw on my arm when I go out the bathroom?" Yoongi asked nervously, to which Hoseok nodded, kind of understand where this was going to.

"My old master abused me. N-not only that b-but he also se-sexually trafficked me, an-and you're the first per-person I even told this to. I get it i-if you are disgusted of m-me, but I pr-promise I'm clean" Yoongi was starting to have a panic attack, breathing heavily as if he almost couldn't.

Hoseok was quick to bring Yoongi closer to him, rubbing his back while whispering comforting things.

"Shh, it's okay, I'm here now, he can't hurt you anymore." Yoongi finally seemed to calm down after a few minutes, still sobbing every once and then.

"He-he's the one who left me in the alley. But there is a reason I'm telling all this to you now. I-I saw him today, he was walking out the same alley he left me in and now my friend is back there-" Yoongi got cut off by Hoseok.

"And you want to save him?" Hobi asked. Yoongi nodded.

"Yes. He is only a young fox hybrid, he doesn't deserve to suffer as long as I did in that alley." Yoongi explained to Hoseok.

"Not all people are like you, Hobi, and I'd rather have you find him then anyone else cause you're the nicest person I met." Yoongi said

"When would you like to get him? As soon as possible?" Hobi seemed very willing to save the hybrid.

"I want to go tonight, Sunoo is a very curious one and won't stay like I did." Yoongi said, remembering all the times Sunoo got in trouble for disobeying.

"We can go right now." Hobi said as he got up, quickly grabbing his keys.

Yoongi was quite shocked about how fast Hoseok was willing to rush and save the hybrid but was grateful. Sunoo didn't deserve to suffer as long as Yoongi did back there, he didn't eat for 6 days back their as only drink dirty puddles of water from the rain.

But Sunoo wasn't like him, the hybrid was brave, smart, sneaky of course, he was unlike Yoongi who was a scaredy cat and very aware of whatever.

And those traits managed to keep Yoongi out of trouble though. Yoongi was really careful when it came to humans and other things q mo be a threat, but Sunoo would just hop out in the open for anyone to take him. Sunoo wasn't obedient like Yoongi or any other hybrid, causing Yoongi to sometimes listen to Sunoo's cries late at night when he didn't listen to master.

"Yoongi, are you ready?" Yoongi nodded, putting his last shoe on.

That's how the 2 ended up in the dark alley, Yoongi almost about to cry.

They had been looking for almost an hour in this alley, they even tried looking around the corner, anywhere but they still couldn't find the fox.

"I knew he would do this!" Yoongi bursted out of tears.

His friend could be anywhere, be with anybody, and be treated kind of way, but he wouldn't know. He could be dead right now, but Yoongi wouldn't know.

"It's okay, Yoongi. He'll be fine. He probably didn't go to far and is just in a dry place for shelter." Hoseok tried to calm him down.

"No, he won't! You don't understand, Hoseok! He's a fox hybrid! They'll kill him and he's probably in animal form." Yoongi's shouts slowly quiet down as his sobs sooner turn into sniffs.

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