He has returned

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Aria was now boarding another customized Airbus A380, the same as the one he was in when he came to his father's country. The same design as the one that was shot from the sky, but this time it was his father's pilots and he's army that were on standby next to the huge aircraft.

"Mommy where are we going this time?" Alex asked as he walked in front of his mother as they walked towards the huge aircraft as it was stood on the taxiway.

"Yeah mommy, where are we going?" Aaron asked too running around in circles, circling his siblings and mother. Eunuch Ress was still on paid leave and wasn't here to help the empress with his children, like he always did.

"Are we going home mommy?" Anna chirped in as she held her mother's hand.

"This is home, we're just going back to where mommy worked ok." Aria said honestly not knowing what else to say this his children.

"No mommy, this is your home, you, grandpa, grandma and aunt Nita's home. Our home is that man's country." Aaron said with a stern face as if he wasn't the little five year old running around circles around his mother and siblings. Like the child he is supposed to be.

"You're five years old Aaron behave like one." Aria said chuckling to which the little boy pursed his lips together.


"Uh uh, no buts. This is your home too, I admit that's your birth home, but grandpa's country is your home too." Aria said crouched in front of his five year old intelligent son.

"Your majesty we must board the plane."

"Good evening beloved viewers it's your favorite News anchor Bethany. Making headlines tonight, the former empress of Atlia, now Prince Aria Dafgon formerly known as Empress Aria Lon for the past fifteen years is said to be heading towards Atlia to reclaim the the same throne he gave up a month ago. Rumor has it that the emperor Tyler Lon had managed to get his wife to reconsider the divorce before the empress could file them to court were the divorce proceedings would have begun. We don't know how truthful these rumors are, but for now they seem viable given that the empress'entourage was seen headed to King Paul's private runway. We will keep you posted on the royal family as time goes on. On to other[...]"

"That bitch!" Rose yelled as she turned off the tv in her living room.

"Why couldn't he just die in that plane crash? He still wants to come back here after all the suffering he went through?" She yelled as she threw everything she was near to the tv, cracking the screen in the process.

She went to her room and rummaged through her nightstand drawers and pulled out a gun and a burner phone. She checked the gun and it's magazine to see that the bullets were still there. She turned the black burner phone on and dialed a number on the touchpad.

"Hello"  A very masculine, raspy voice answered on the other line.

"Father. He's coming back." Rose said.

"It's been a while Rosalina, you don't even greet your father anymore." The voice on the other said calmly, but Rose knew otherwise than to trust that calm voice.

"I'm sorry father, I was too angry at that bitch returning here after the shit we pulled to try and keep away from this kingdom." Rose said keeping her temper in check for she knew getting angry at her father is like a springbok provoking a lion knowing full well one is the other's meal.

The man was capable of killing anyone in his family to get what he wanted, bastard didn't even spare his own wife and son. Poor duo were too much of a goodie two shoes according to him, Rose was evil enough for his disposal. Rose loved her mother but when her father killed her infront of the poor girl to set an example to what happens to people who disobeyed him, she didn't interfere for she knew if she did she'd be as dead a cold corpse as her mother.

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