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CHAPTER ONE: yet another victory

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CHAPTER ONE: yet another victory

"Hawks! hawks! hawks! hawks!" the cheer echoed around the arena, the team adorned in black and blue high on the sound of their fans calling out their name as they skated in a circle, banging their sticks on the ice.

they broke apart, players hungrily skating towards the pile of pucks on the ice, lining up to shoot on their goalie.

andrea joined the line, not quite as riled up as her team mates. in any other game, the girl would be focused and intense. in any other game, she would need to be focused and intense.

on the opposing bench, though, sat district five, with mismatched homemade jerseys and hand me down equipment. when facing district five, andrea didn't need to focus; she could school them with her eyes closed. their goalie was afraid of the puck, the players could barely hold their sticks, and their captain?

their captain was the worst of all, and not just in his hockey skills. he was annoying, so very annoying, and outright dumb. he had to be dumb, the way he would talk to her, or grin at her when he knew how much she hated him.

she felt a nudge from behind. "you're holding up the line, jones!" one of her team mates complained.

the whining in her ear snapped her back to the present. cradling the puck with her stick, andrea skated down the ice. slowly, but not too slow; enough that she had time to get into the goalies mind.

as she approached, leaning left, the goalie pushed forward to meet her, falling onto his pads. andrea quickly shot the puck under his pad, spinning to the right and retrieving it, tapping it into the net.

she heard the referee blow his whistle, signalling the start of the game. the hawks skated to their bench, passing by district five.

"hey, jones!" she heard charlie conway say. it may have sounded like he was being polite, but by the look on his face, the smug half-smirk, she knew he was trying to annoy her.

"did you hear something?" she asked sarcastically as she turned to her best friend, skating past charlie. adam banks, not only her best friend but also her neighbor, skated behind her, shouldering charlie as he skated past.

as the hawks gathered at the bench, coach reilly looked between them all. his eyes lingered on adam and andrea a second longer than the rest, lighting up at his most valued team members.

he surveyed them again before speaking. "we all know this is an easy game. but to get started, im putting out a strong line up to get the game rolling. jones, banks, mcgill, larson, and brown. show them how it's done."

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