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CHAPTER SIXTEEN: a medical miracle

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CHAPTER SIXTEEN: a medical miracle

Andrea had awoken that morning to the best surprise of her life. she hurried to get dressed, unable to keep the smile off of her face.

"coach!" she called, barging into the dressing room with her stick and bag in hand. "i woke up, and the pain was gone!"

she rotated her stick in her hand to prove her point. her team cheered, adam with a huge grin on his face as he walked over to hug her, glad to have his best friend on the ice with him again.

coach didn't look so excited, though. he looked at her with a sad smile. "andy, im sorry, but we already have a full roster."

her face dropped, the team falling silent. russ began to pull his jersey off, knowing how important andrea was to the team, both as a friend and a player.

charlie stopped him, looking over to the girl that had consumed his thoughts for about as long as he had known her. "she can have my spot."

andrea looked up, meeting his eyes. charlie walked over. "but..."

"it's what i can do for the team... and for you. let me do it."

she sprang forward, wrapping her arms around his neck. "thank you, charlie." she whispered into his shoulder.

he fought the grin that pulled at his face. she'd never called him by his name before. he wondered why; his name sounded so much better when it came from her.

coach bombay smiled. "charlie, i need you on the bench, coaching right there with me."

andrea had never changed into her equipment so fast, rambling to adam the whole time about how excited she was, and how nervous she was, and then back to how excited.

she stepped out onto the ice, eyeing the crowd that had gathered to watch them play. cameras flashed, and in no time, she found herself at centre ice, facing off against sanderson.

he looked surprised to see her, but tried to hide it. "putting on an injured player? boy, your coach must be desperate."

"i could beat you with both my wrists broken," she spat.

the puck dropped, and she shot it between his legs before being knocked down. she hurried to get back up as guy got the puck, promptly being body slammed as well.

iceland had the puck in team USA's end, taking a shot on goldberg. with a pad save, the puck landed back on sandersons stick. he looped around the net, bringing goldberg out of position, and shot it in.

the buzzers went as iceland celebrated their first goal. andrea skated over to the bench, switching off with russ.

the plan had been for russ to use his knuckle puck, to tie up the score. but it seemed iceland had been expecting that, targeting russ so that he never had the puck. iceland quickly scored their second goal.

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