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CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: celebratory kiss

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CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: celebratory kiss

Team usa entered the third period with new jersey's, and a new name. now clad in a stark white jersey with the symbols of the duck on the front, andrea and the ducks stepped out onto the ice with the crowd cheering all around them.

"quack! quack! quack!" the ducks cheered at the bench, readying themselves for period three.

as the teams cheering subsided, the crowd began to clap and sing.

we will, we will quack you!

andrea skated onto the ice, her four teammates around her as they skated a lap around their end, goldberg settling himself in the net.

we will, we will quack you!

she lined up and centre ice, staring down gunner stahl. she refused to fall into his game, not looking at his menacing gaze and instead focusing on the ice, where the puck would drop and she would hopefully win the face off.

we will, we will quack you!

the puck dropped and andrea immediately shoved stahl, knocking him to the ground as she swiped the puck up with her stick.

buddy you're a boy making big noise, playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday!

she soared down the ice alongside the boards, her teammates right behind her. she passed along to jesse, ducking as an iceland goon tried to slam her against the boards.

you've got mud on your face, you big disgrace, kicking your can all over the place!

jesse dropped the puck to guy as andrea sped over to the net, making herself open for a pass.

we will, we will rock you!

guy sends the puck her way. she cradles the puck, pulling back and hitting it hard into the net. the buzzer roars, but not as loud as the cheering fans.

andrea raises her stick in the air, whooping as her teammates surround her in a hug. with two goals now on the scoreboard, iceland only carries a two goal lead.

she skates over to the bench, smile wide as her teammates hit her helmet and pat her back in celebration. she grabs her water, slugging it down as she turns her eyes to the game.

the excitement from her goal diminishes as iceland scores once again. she reminds herself not to lose hope just yet; there's still time.

coach bombay calls a time out as charlie scribbles a play on the coaching white board. he motions around his drawing, explaining his idea to the ducks. "it's the perfect teamwork play!"

adam leads with the puck down the ice, just as planned. as he nears, instead of shooting, he drops the puck back behind him where dwayne picks it up. he positions the puck onto his stick, launching it through the air.

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