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CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: welcome to eden hall academy

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eden hall academy

           It felt like only a month ago, she was twelve years old, standing beside adam as she gathered the courage to step into the ducks change-room for the very first time.

in reality, it'd been years; and now it was time for andrea to grow up and start high school.

she wasn't exactly jumping for joy. after they'd won the junior goodwill games, the ducks had been awarded full athletic scholarships to some prestigious school, called eden hall.

andrea didn't want to make assumptions about what the students would be like, but it was hard not to. she'd heard they were snobby, and full of themselves.

but, she had the ducks with her, so she was sure she'd be just fine. speaking of the ducks, another crash! rang in her ear. she looked up, wincing at the sound of the aftermath of fulton's shot.

andrea was sat on a makeshift chair she'd made, (it was just an overturned recycling box, she wasn't all that creative), eden hall welcome pamphlet in hand.

in an attempt to get over her first-day-of-school nerves, she'd taken to reading up as much about the school as she could. she'd learned they had horse stables, and some kind of fire ants, and that their varsity hockey teams over the years had won many state championships.

"fulton," she speaks, the boy turning towards her. "you think our new coach will be any good?"

another reason for her worry was that a few weeks ago, coach bombay had informed them he wouldn't be coaching them at their new school. coach bombay had made the ducks— what were they without their creator?

fulton shrugged, turning back to the alley and winding up for another shot. "dunno. i'm more upset about portman."

he shot, hitting a car window. seconds later, charlie conway was rollerblading down into the alley, ducks jersey on and backpack slung over one shoulder.

"fulton, you ever think about shooting down into the alley and not at the road?" he asked, before his eyes landed on andrea.

he wolf whistled at her, leaning back and fanning himself off as he saw her. she rolled her eyes, flipping him off. "well someone looks good! you trying to impress me, babe?"

"can it, charlie." she said, crossing her arms.

"hey, you look great! can't i tell you that you look great?" he asked, shrugging.

she shook her head. "no, you cannot. new rule, sorry."

"awh, shucks." he joked, coming to a stop beside her. he motioned for her to scoot over, sitting beside her. "my mom says hi, by the way."

andrea had met charlie's mom over the summer. sure, she'd seen her at hockey games, but she'd never actually had a conversation with her until charlie invited her over for dinner.

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