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CHAPTER FOUR: ducklings become ducks

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CHAPTER FOUR: ducklings
become ducks

The ducks were rapidly improving, and they also seemed to accept andrea and adam; most of them, at least.

in what felt like no time, the ducks had made their way into the semi-finals. with a couple goals from adam and andrea, as well as one from guy germaine, they were headed to the finals.

as andrea celebrated with her team, she couldn't help the nerves that boiled in her stomach. of course, she was over the moon to make it into the finals. she was not so happy about facing the hawks.

not only because she knew they'd go out of their way to torment her and adam, but also because the hawks were a very good team.

she had heard the saying, a team is as strong as their weakest player. the hawks weakest player was still very good.

but as she thought about it now, applying that theory to herself and the ducks, she realized maybe a team was as strong as their teamwork.

game day came in no time. from the day she had joined the ducks until now had felt like a blur.

but there she was, standing in a line up with the ducks, the hawks in a line on her right. she looked to them, receiving some glares and smirks. the tension was high between the two teams as they stood in silence for their national anthem.

as the anthem ended, the arena broke out in cheers. each team skated to their bench, chanting and readying themselves. the stadium was packed, not an empty seat.

as adam and andrea stepped out onto the ice to get into position, jesse stopped them. "banks, jones!" they turned to face him. "don't forget what side you're on."

andrea held back a response as coach bombay defended them, but she had skated off before she could hear anymore.

adam took centre and andrea on his right. he caught her eye and she nodded once for encouragement.

mcgill stood across from her, a menacing look on his face. "good luck, traitor. you'll need it."

"oh, please. you're no good without adam and i," andrea sneered.

for some reason, this brought a mischievous grin to his face. "i don't think you two will be much of a problem."

before she could even try to think about what he meant, the puck dropped. immediately, larson and brown rammed into adam, knocking him to the ground, the puck untouched at centre ice.

she could see what they were doing, trying to sabotage her and adam. but they didn't realize their fatal flaw; if they were so focused on taking down their old teammates, they would have no attention on the puck.

andrea lurched forward, hoping adam would forgive her for not trying to help him. the puck hit her stick and she was off, skating towards the hawks end.

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