Chapter - 6

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Hello my dear readers..

Another update.

Hope you all would like it.

Please let me know what you think through your comments.

Thank you



Saanvi was called in for interview

" You??? " Came a voice

" You?? " Saanvi too was shocked seeing the man with whom she fought a while back along with the man who bumped into Rishitha

Along with these two there are another three men in the room

" You are here for interview? " Asked the man who bumped into Rishitha

" Yes... But I don't think there would be an interview now? Iam leaving. Thank you" saying this Saanvi was about to leave

" How could you leave without giving an interview? " Asked the second man

Saanvi turned towards them in surprise

" You both want to take my interview? " Saanvi Asked

" Yes!! That's something let say personal... But here we are on a professional work. So... Ms.Sharma right??" Said the man looking at her file

Saanvi nodded as yes

" take your seat. " Said the man

Saanvi got a smile hearing that and took a seat.

" By the way, we are here just to observe... They will take your interview " said the man pointing towards others

Saanvi nodded as ok and Soon the interview started and Saanvi gave her best. Infact both the men were surprised seeing her.

" Great!!! " The second man appreciated her

" You can now leave Ms.Sharma. we will let you know the results later " smiled the first man

" Thank you sir " Saanvi smiled and left the room

After that they did take some interviews which even included Saanvi's friends.

Saanvi's friends were first shocked seeing them but nevertheless gave their best in the interview.


Saanvi and her friends are in the canteen.

Ravi literally drank whole bottle of water as soon as he entered the canteen.

" Did you all saw who were in the interview pannel? " Ravi asked his friends who already came to the canteen after their interview

" It's ok... Calm down... Take a seat " Rithika pointed towards a chair

Ravi sat with a thud still unable to believe

" Thank god! They didn't took it personally " Harini sighed

" True!! " Others agreed with her

In all these Saanvi was busy in eating her sandwich

" Saanu... You really need to control yourself " Rithika said

" I will try " Saanvi said stuffing her mouth with the sandwich

At the same time she got a call from Reyaansh so she excused herself and went aside to attend the call

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