13 | Team Work

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P.O.V: Hazel

"Maybe you could just sit on the bench." Zach said

I just nodded my head, leaning back in the chair.

"That could work." I said

We were currently sitting opposite from each other in the video room at the rink.

We weren't watching film, rather discussing how this weekend was going to work. Our first mini-mite game was this weekend and our rink was hosting it.

I looked at Zach acrossed the table as he searched through the paper work in front of him.

I watched how he moved and his eyes tracked through the many words infront of him.

The film room was darker but with the lights turned on it allowed me to see Zachs face.

My stomach fluttered slightly as I realized I was in a closed off room with him. It was that feeling when your trapped in a room with someone and your mind can't help but wonder how it would feel to be on top of the table and-

I felt my cheeks grow red and I looked at my hands.

What the heck was I thinking?

I couldn't help but remember when Conner asked me if Zach was hot. Holy shit he was, but that didn't make me want to fall over him.

Hockey boys had that effect on almost anyone. They were to charismatic for their own good, those enemy to lovers hockey stories you read are bull shit.

I can tell you that first hand, because very rarely does the hockey boy not get the girl. They fall at their feet waiting for them to pick them up and protect them. They dont fight, they fall at their feet. Every. God. Damn. Time.

The sweep in like they're some prince charming, when I didn't ask for that. I could handle my own, don't risk the play to protect the girl.

Then I thought back to the first time I met Zach, it was like 3-4 weeks ago. After my first week with mini-mites the days started to clash together.

But on my first day Zach didn't pull a cheep move or pick up line, he didn't comment on my looks. He shook my hand and got right down to business.

Maybe that what I found so god damn attracti-

No no no no no.

The thoughts had been flooding in the back of my mind for a few days though but I decided to ignore it. I hoped it was just my period coming in or something else, but after awhile I realized it wasnt. When he walked with me to class, or leaning over the office counter to talk to me...

Part of me couldn't tell if I was actually developing feeling or if this was just the first guy my brain had latched onto him when I got here.

Before I could process my thoughts any further a paper ball flew at my face causing me to look up and see a smirking Zach.

"Pay attention princess we've got some more work to do." He stated trying to play serious.

I just rolled my eyes and smiled, partially because we didn't have that much work left. That and, he was the only hockey boy in the group to call me princess the rest had settled on Underwood or hotshot And honestly, no offense to Conner, I liked the switch from Hockey Town.

"Oh really enlighten me? What do we have left?" I said with a smirk pointing to the papers on the table

"Oh wait, thats right I forgot to order the champagne and fancy little cheese blocks. Give me a second I'll get right on that." I said with a huge smile

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