23| Best of the Best

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P.O.V. Hazel

I walked my ass into the hockey rink. This time with more confidence than yesterday.

I passed the front desk and went straight up the stairs towards the offices, not bothering about all the people staring at me.

I was completely tunnel vision towards the door reading 'Head Coach Dave'

And when I got there I knocked on it harshly. Just like I'd done when the board of directors tried to tell me I couldn't be on both AAA and the championship team. God they got a mouth full that day.

"Come in." I heard a deep male voice say.

I'd never actually met Dave. I'd only seen him coach and heard him talk from a distance.

So when I opened the door I sort of knew what he looked like.

He was almost bald. He was wearing a professional outfit, one for sports anyhow. And sat at his desk with his elbows leaning on it.

"Hi I'm-"

"Hazel Underwood, I know." He said finishing my sentence for me.

I had to bite the inside of my lip, I hated when people did that.

"Take a seat kiddo, what do you want to talk about?"

I walked forward and sat in the seat. It almost reminded me of the chair I sat in when I was arguing with my lawyer. God how life has come so far from that day.

"You have a home game this Friday." I stated not entering a question into my sentence just yet.

"Yes I do." He said with a slight smile

"I want to run the clock if thats ok, you know help out around the rink get more service hours." I explained

I couldn't quite tell if he knew or not. About who I really am. It was getting confusing to remember who I'd lied to.

He thought for a moments nodding his head.

"Do you know how to run the system?" Valid question

"Yes." I confirmed confident with my skills

"Well then I don't see why not, as long as you aren't a distraction to my boys." He paused for a moment with a small smirk on his lips, "they talk a lot about you, you know. Especially Zach."

I refrained from laughing, a smile playing at my lips.

He must know me from Zach and all the hockey boys.

"I'm sure I make a good topic." Was all I could manage out without laughing.

I stood up from the chair and thanked Dave for his time before turning towards the door, taking maybe one or two steps before the words that came from Daves mouth made me faulter.

"I've spoken with coach Ryan."

And hockey Hazel clicked into gear, this was no longer student and adult talking. It was coach and athlete.

I turned back towards him slowly. Looking at him with full seriousness.

"I'm glad your taking his advice and working some of the games." He continued

I smiled sweetly, shaking my head. Walking back towards the chair but refusing to sit.

I was anxious and needed to stand. How did Ryan get ahold of this guy.

"Do you miss it?" He asked looking at me with curiosity

"More than anything in the world." I replied feeling my heart drop.

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