42| I am So Sorry

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P.O.V Hazel 

I took in a shaky breath. 

It's not often you have your boyfriend break up with you, lose the only chance at going to the olympics, and lose your entire friend group in the same week.

I was on the struggle bus, that was for sure.

But right now I had to do something I’d been regretting. 

Mini Mites.

I had to face Zach today, and I had a funny feeling he was going to make me skate.

So here I was wearing my panthers warm ups standing outside the rink, praying to God that today was going to be easy. 

Taking one more shaky breath I opened the door. 

The highschool team was just getting out of practice and the looks they all gave me, well it gave me some type of hope.

They seemed to look at me with pity. Like they wanted to come over but were stuck with Zach.

But when Zach made eye contact with me, it was harsh.

“Put on your skates.” was all he said before turning to walk into the locker room. 

I wasn't in any shock, instead I sat down and obeyed. 

I couldn't fight it, I knew that. So it was better to do what he wanted and hopefully, at some point win him back.

I sat down on the closest bench and put on my skates, tying them quickly, I noticed the size of the blade.

All this skating, I was probably going to have to get new blades sooner than later. 

“Hazel!” I heard one of the mini mites yell, and I looked up to see Eli.

He ran towards me and gave me a big hug, obviously feeling better. 

“Are you skating today?” He asked with a big smile. His mom came up behind him and gave a big smile as well.

“Yeah I am.” I replied my smile faded as Zach came out of the locker room. 

I set Eli down, suddenly feeling awkward. I didn't know what to do. 

He smiled at some of the parents before walking over to me and pulling me aside.

And suddenly I didn't like the way he manhandled me. It was rough and slightly aggressive. Almost instantly I wanted to fight back. I shook his hand off of me and stared at him. 

My gaze was a little closer to his as we were both wearing skates. 

God we were polar opposites, His dirty blonde hair was pushed back by sweat and my dark brown hair was down and straight. His blue eyes stared at me and my brown eyes stared back.

I wasn't going to let him treat me like complete shit, not with all these parents around.

“Let's just get the job done and not have any issues.” He stated as if I was going to be the one causing them.

I scuffed lightly and rolled my eyes. 

So this is how it was going to go down.

Oh baby, I'm about to wreck you in front of a bunch of 6 year olds.

“Who said I was going to cause problems?” I asked 

“Well your track record says you might so…” He replied cocky.

I smirked slightly, “Which record, the one that lies, or the destroying of abandoned houses.” 

I said it owning up to my own mistakes,fast with such confidence it threw him off guard.

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