36| No One Likes a Tattle Tale

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P.O.V Hazel 

I quickly typed in numbers to the computer, hoping I could get the finances done early so I could just sit and watch Zach work with the little kids. 

I sniffled slightly, my nose had increasingly got runnier throughout the day. Part of me was worried that Zach was right and that I was getting sick.

I looked up from my computer to Zach, watching as he and 4 kids skated around the ice, this flu had over 10 kids out including the goalie. 

As I went to return my vision to my computer my eyes caught a familiar face… Mick.

I kind of just rolled my eyes. After his attitude today in class and yesterday in the lunch room he was the last person I wanted to talk to, he was acting like a complete child. 

Still, I was a little bit curious as to why he was here. His practice was well over.

He walked up to the office window and tapped his fingers slightly like he was contemplating.

“Yes Mick?” I asked, trying to politely tell him to spit it out. 

I was getting kind of annoyed not knowing what was on his mind. 

He mumbled something softley, and I couldn't hear it. I cleared my throat, feeling a cough coming before speaking again.

“Mick, dude you have to speak louder.” I stated.

He stood there rocking back and forth on his heels. Surfer boy hair a mess, he looked down at the floor nervous. 

“I know.” he said slightly louder and I laughed.

“Know what Mick, you're gonna have to be more specific.” I explained trying to figure out where this was going. 

I could practically see him bite the inside of his cheek. He looked out to the ice and Zach before looking back at me.

“Hazel, I know.” He repeated.

And I rolled my eyes again, him not getting anymore specific was not helping. What was so taboo that he couldn't just come out and say it? 

Mick had no problem about being open till now so what was-

I froze, and Mick looked at me like he knew that I now knew that he knew. 

Everything felt stuck in my throat. My feet were glued to the floor I was standing on. I gripped the counter top so hard I was worried it was going to break. 

“Hazel-” He started to say again, but I looked away.

“Cut the pity party Mick.” I said slightly aggressive.

He looked at me in some sort of shock, but I had no doubt in my mind that his next move was to tell Zach. So I might as well start cutting people off now. If I acted like it didn't hurt then maybe I wouldn't feel anything.

“Look, If you don't want to be friends anymore I get it.” I said, earning an even more confused look from Mick. 

He shook his head so fast I was surprised.

“That's not what I want Hazel, I just want to know when you plan on telling Zach.”

I shook my head, feeling my nose get even runnier as some tears sat in my eyes.

“I don't know.” I said truthfully

I stood there in silence for a moment looking at Zach on the ice.

“Hazel, I'm not pushing you, I have no doubt that what you went through and what you were going through when we first met was rough, but you can't keep the secret forever.” He said the logic behind his words.

“Mick, for the first time in a year I'm finally happy. I have hockey back, I have you and all of the team, I have Zach…”

“Who you are lying to.” 

I bit my lip. I stared off away in the distance looking away from both Zach and Mick. 

“I never meant for the lie to go this far.” I explained and Mick nodded his head in understanding.

“I'm not going to keep lying to him, Hazel.” 

I shook my head with understanding, the day coming closer and faster than I'd expected it too.

“Then don't say anything at all.” I said getting a disappointed look from Mick who turned from me and left the rink not saying another word. 

I sat down harshly in my chair, fighting tears. This was my own doing, my own mistake. I would have to live with the consequences, but god it was going to hurt so bad.

Collecting myself I picked up the binder to go ask some parents their payment plan for the next away game we had. 

I made it through two parents before I began to have a coughing fit. My lungs hurt badly with each cough that came out of my throat and tears came back up to my eyes. 

Everything hurt, my body was achy, my throat felt like sandpaper and my stomach had been killing me. And now my heart was starting to hurt as well with Mick knowing. 

As my coughing fit came to an end I heard the ice door open and looked over to see Zach staring at me.

“Hazel, go home.” Zach said sternly.

“No really, I'm fine.” I protested. Between home games and mini mites my service hours were almost up.

“Hazel, princess, you're sick. Go home, I'll count you for full hours.”

Zach gave me that caring smile that made my heart warm and I obeyed. 

Nodding my head I grabbed my Jacket from the office and headed out the front rink doors. Another coughing fit starting up again as I walked out into even colder air.

Words: 936

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