22| What have I done

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P.O.V Hazel

I was jittery behind the cool girl persona I was giving off.

Other than Zach almost kissing me and me kissing him on the cheek there was a lot on my mind.

Starting with thing one, how much I had just lied to Zach. My brother!? Really!?

I walked down the stairs to be met with Zachs family.

The teenage boy who I suspected was Gray looked my up and down with a smirk on his face.

God I would end him if Zachs parents weren't around.

Instead I turned towards his mom with a smile in my face.

"Hi Mrs. Knight, I'm Hazel." I introduced myself

She nodded her head just as Zach came down the stairs.

"Right Zachs co-coach." She said with a bright smile. "Well you can have a seat at the table I'm just about to set the food out."

I just nodded my head moving towards the table. I avoided Zachs dad something I'd become accustomed to after my dad.

It took me a few years to finally talk to Conners dad and Killians dad.

Zach sat down next to me and guilt sat heavy in my stomach, this was all going to come back and bite me in the ass.

And it didn't help that I was starting to get attached.

Part of me was pissed all around at myself. For the lies mainly, but for the inability to be able to skate.

It was so simple yet I couldn't do it. And it felt as though it set me back, everytime I couldn't do it.

I was losing myself not being able to but I was losing myself when I got on the ice.

I needed another way to be apart of hockey, to help take it slower. Like Ryan said it was going to take time.

Coach Ryan.

He had given me ideas and I was completely ignoring them. Like helping out for high school hockey games.

I made a mental note to talk to Zachs coach, Dave. He practically owned the rink. So maybe he could help me.

"How was your day Gray?" Zachs dad asked as his plate was set infront of him.

Gray just shrugged leaning back in his chair as he did.

"It was alright, nothing exciting happened." Was all he responded

"Hazel? Zach? What did you two do?" He asked

"Uh, we went ice skating." Zach replied speaking for me.

It felt weird, this family aspect, I'd experienced it with Ryan but normally there weren't other kids around. With Conners family... yeah but there was alot more chatter and it was louder. This was kind of just akward.

"First time skating Hazel?" His dad asked forcing me to look at him.

I lightly smiled noticing how similar Zach and his dad looked. The family genes were definitely strong.

"Um, I've skated a few times but I'm not great at it." I explained more lies dripping from my tongue.

It made my mouth feel sour.

When did it end?

Was I too deep to tell the true?

Would they even believe me if I told the true?

I couldn't figure out how to even tell them.

I just wanted to get out if skating, thats all I wanted.

And now I had a hockey player brother who had a bad injury. I didn't know how to skate well, and I'd never played hockey in my life.

You could write a whole book about the lies I'm telling. It hurt knowing what was to come when they found out.

I knew they would, eventually. Its not a secret you can keep forever. But preparing myself to lose Zach, maybe the hockey boys felt almost worse than my injury.

Conner was right, he usually was. When did the lies stop.

When did I start being Hazel Underwood hockey towns favorite girl again?

When did I get Coach Ryan back?

And Killian and Conner.

Plainwell and the rest of the team.

When did I grow up and get over this stupid mind game?

But then it wrapped back around to what happens when I do become Hazel again.

What do I do when I lose Zach?

Could I really prioritize Zach over my hockey career?

Could I prioritize my hockey career over Zach?

I needed to stop. Stop asking the questions and let life flow the way it does.

Either way I'm hurt.

Big woop.

Life has already fucked me over not once but twice. What's three more times?

It just adds to my sparkle.

How about that.

I'm shinning. As if I had big red sparkly letter acrossed my chest reading "life's fucked me over."

God I'd look like a hooker.

Well maybe if the hockey thing doesn't work out...

Damn it Hazel focas as on the dinner.

Words: 803

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