32 | Life

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P.O.V Hazel 

Where do I begin? Life was going great. 

Did I still miss Conner and my old team, yes, I would give anything to have them with me here. 

But here In Rice Creek?

I was in the top 10 for academics within my class. 

Had an amazing hockey boy team who I called my best friends. 

A boyfriend who managed to make me smile everyday. 

And the ability to skate. 

Not just skate but play hockey. 

My mom said she'd never seen my mental health this good since after the accident.

I looked over at Zach who was currently teaching the mini mite team on the ice. Sitting from the office I could clearly see as they did some skating drills with cones and Zach helping up one of the littles as they fell.

“Hey Hazel.” One of the moms called as she walked up to the window. 

“Yes?’ I responded with a smile.

She was looking at something on her phone, slightly confused.

“Well me and the other moms were just wondering something.” She began to be kind of hesitant. “And well I didn't realize till my husband said something, he's really into hockey you see.”

And the smile slowly fell from my face, knowing exactly what was on her phone. I could see it as her posture changed. A very, very old hockey town article. Back before they had a lot to write about and back before hockey town was a large media company.

 Back before they had a lot to write about and back before hockey town was a large media company

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“Why aren't you out there helping Zach?” 

It was now my turn to hesitate. Opening and closing my mouth like a fish before finding the words.

“I don't skate much after the accident.’ I said keeping it brief, how to explain what really happened was too much so saying just that felt right. 

The mom just shook her head understanding. I searched for a change of topic, looking at the rooster and finding one.

“Hey, do you know what's up with Kavin? He wasn't here Tuesday or Wednesday.” I asked 

“Yeah, he's been out with a really nasty flu and then gave it to his mom. I'm hoping the other kids don't get it as well.” She said looking over at the ice as everyone left the ice.

As Zach made his way over to me, the mom took it as her leave. I gave Zach a smile and he smiled back taking off his helmet as he did. 

“What did she want?” Zach said, gesturing to the mom.

I froze up and looked at the mom with a smile on my face. I had not yet told Zach, and he hadn't figured it out. At this point I felt stuck.

This was the one downfall in our relationship I was rarely reminded of. The fact that I knew it would probably end the second Zach found out. 

Which was probably going to be very soon, I would just have to distract myself with hockey when that time comes.

“Oh I was just wondering where Kavins is. Turns out he has a really nasty flu virus.”

(So help me God if yall start putting covid in the comments lmao)

Zach nodded his head 

“I think Jackson might have it as well, he was coughing really bad today.” 

Parents slowly cleared out of the rink with the kids and we waved goodbye to them as they did.

“Hm, well start taking your vitamins.” I joked knowing full well Zach had a few small games on his schedule.

I call them small because I've played the teams they are going against, just for scrimmages. They aren't very good. 

“Did you study for that English test tomorrow?’ Zach asked to take off one of his skates.

I shrugged slightly, “a little.” 

Truth was I'd abandoned studying lately to spend more time skating at the rink. 'Every Monday' turned into when ever I could make it in. And that was almost everyday, sometimes twice a day.

Zach scuffed and rolled his eyes. 

“I will forever be jealous of the way you just remember the material.” 

I just watched as Zach took off one of his skates.

“If I don't remember it for the test then I obviously didn't learn it well enough.”

This caused Zach to give me an eye roll. I just smirked, holding onto his shoulders as I stepped around the chair he was sitting at.

“How are you doing?” I asked well, grabbing the sign out sheet.

“Better now that I get to be with you.” Zach said, standing up and grabbing my waist.

“Hmm” I hummed in reply, setting the clipboard down. He was too tired to do anything.

I knew that, I'd seen their practice and was with them for their morning weight lift. After the day Zachs had he looked like he could fall asleep right here in the office.

His eyes were all droopy and his blonde prep boy hair was falling in front of his eyes, but he made no attempt to fix it. I took one of my hands and ran my fingers through his hair pushing it back in place as I did.

Zach closed his eyes, welcoming the feeling which made me smile. 

“You need to go home and get to sleep.” I Said softly to which Zach made a face in protest. “seriously if you're tired you could get sick if the flus going around” 

“Look who's all ms. caring tonight.” Ignoring my comment, purposefully so he didn't have to let go of me.

“Zach” I said, pulling out a jokingly demanding voice. 

“Maybe I should make you teach class tomorrow.” He said in a sleepy voice. 

My voice hitched in my throat, partially from his comment, but also for the concern of Zach driving himself home.

He'd been overworking himself lately and spending all his free time with me. He had to take a mental break for himself eventually. 

“If you want me to teach class tomorrow I can. You can just go home.” I offered, biting the inside of my cheek waiting for a response. 

Zacj just shook his head. 

“Hazel you don't know the first thing about teaching hockey, Thank you princess, I appreciate it but I don't want the parents to get mad.”

I had to stop myself from telling him that the parents wouldn't be upset, but instead I just nodded my head in agreement. 

“Ok but please don't over work yourself.” I looked at him waiting for a reply.

Zach opened his eyes and looked down at me with his hockey boy smile.

“Don't worry about me princess, I got this.”

Words: 1105

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