The bad is fun

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Chuckling and whimpering, he continued kissing her till she ran out of breath. He locked her against the spray painted wall as she threw her arms 'round his neck and kissed him even more harder.


Ariel Swools.

A girl with ravishing features and qualities. Brave. Sharp. Joyous. Spoiled.

Or so did everyone think.

Brave but sensitive. Sharp but easy to get played and cheated upon. Joyous but introverted. Spoiled but lonely. This was the real Ariel. Or atleast it was who she thought of herself to be.

Ariel pulled out of the kiss as she was going to pass out from not inhaling any air as the guy moved his hands over her waist and lowered his lips to her collarbone.


The guy with the messed up hair looked up in disbelief. She smiled apologetically as she removed his hands away from herself.

"I draw the line everywhere. Except for kissing."

The guy scoffed as Ariel lifted her eyebrows and bit her lower lip. He pushed himself away from the wall he caged her in and let her all alone and walked away, possibly to find another girl... Or guy; to kiss and fuck.

She chuckled to herself. Oh, how she changed. How she changed from being so innocent and quiet to going to clubs and kissing guys. She liked it. She never thought she would. Ever. And whenever she would feel guilty for kissing people, she would remind herself to live the moment and that she has only one chance to live.

She walked out of the alley lit by a single yellow lamp, with her head kept low and her legs just walking ahead to nowhere.
" Mindlessly walking of course leads you to shitty places ", wanted to remind the very God, as she almost got herself killed by a fast car.

She snapped out of her trance only to meet the grey orbs of a guy,... A man; dressed so formal with a suit and a tie and black slack pants that suited and flexed his built leg muscles.

"You okay?"

She felt herself still-up, and her eye lids batting, staring at the man infront of her who seemed like an actual God. Greek God.

"And.. you're a student at the Olia's highschool."

Her sharp eyes noticed how his own captivating grey ones looked down at her fit. She then realised she was in her school uniform and that's how he knew. Of course, she ain't some main character of some thrilling and daring romance novel or movie.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you, really. And... Yes I am a student and you seem to be a well mannered business man?"

It came out as a question which isn't how Ariel wanted to sound, for she wanted to seem confident with her answer. He frowned and his eyes looked away suspiciously as he nodded and licked his lips before letting her go away.

"So you're a student and it's 12 am. What exactly are you doing here?"

"So you're a business man and it's 12 am. What exactly are you doing here?"

She stared at him dead in the eye. 'She's got some nerve', he thought to himself but held himself back from savagely replying to her. He sighed as he pursed his rosy, and... very... very kissable lips.

"Well, you know it's more appropriate for a 22 year old business man to be out here at 12 am rather than a school kid around the city at 12 am."

He replied sternly, his eyes holding the same dread she held in her eyes. Ariel didn't know why she was being rude. Not like she was like that by nature or just liked to be mean but her tone just came off very much like a bully and someone who just wants to die.

"I- I'm sorry. I'm just- you know.. around here doing shit and living my life. Also it's fine I'm like 18 and I'm going to graduate so I'm not some school kid for real"

"Oh.. okay I see. Well then, I hope you go to your home-"


"Yes, to your hostel and stay all safe. Watch your step."

He warned as he looked around before walking away and leaving the girl alone. She was intrigued. This man, had absolutely striking features. His frame was one of a guy's that she always imagined of getting fucked by. Stop now. Said her brain. No more imagining. He saved her from getting hit by a car and dying after a stupid guy's basic kiss.

She stayed in her place as she saw him walk over to his car. She noticed it was a Benz.


Ariel's always been a lover of cars especially rich ones. And she isn't in any way ashamed or shy to accept that. She loves rich cars not cause they're rich but cause of the facilities they come with that make them rich.

Her eyes didn't leave his strong figure, as he suddenly turned. Her eyes widened involuntarily as he smirked and chuckled, all while sending a wink to her. Her heart beat at the speed of a racing car. She looked away as she crossed the road.

But she could tell from her peripheral view that he had opened his car door and from her spidey senses, could tell he was still watching her with a silly smile. She should have felt creeped out. But why did it feel so intimidating and inviting? She climbed over the fence of her hostel as she went in through the backdoor.


She said to herself before going into her room for a hot shower and to forget that man's mysterious eyes.

"What the fuck."


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