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Thankfully, she was out in just about five minutes after she heard the bullet go off. She was made to sit in the office chair as Casper got a bottle of water that rested on the table to her. He opened the bottle and handed it to her as she gulped the water down but slowed after hearing him ask her to slow down. She closed her eyes but the tears won't stop.

He kneeled to her as she placed the water down on the table. "Feeling better?" He queried. She was but she wasn't too. She was remembering everything she could and her emotions were leaking. "I was kidnapped when I was small."

"I know. And I want you to know you were brave throughout", she almost slapped herself to wake up from her dream which she thought got maybe too detailed and nothing else. "I have been assigned your bodyguard and I should know everything about you."

She bit on her lip to suppress her tears as her eyes closed along. His hands travelled to the part between her bottom lip and chin, as he removed her lip from her teeth. "Don't", he said and her eyes shot open. He continued, with his hand rubbing her wet cheek. "You don't have to not cry and let your emotions out to be "strong" ". She shaked her head and he immediately said, looking straight at her. "I think you're strong and all, even now. Infact, you're stronger than ever since I met you. Right this very moment."

It wasn't easy to believe his words. Especially for a girl who always thought low of herself. She felt that he was trying to make her feel better. And that she was actually the weakest and the most sensitive bitch to ever exist. Never fucking strong.

His head bops to one side as he breathes a slow breath out. "I want you to realise that, Ariel. Please do". She always took things to heart and so did this get to her. But a single negative thought was enough to make them all vanish. He stood up as he extended his hand for her. She stood up with her hands in his and he looked down at her and squeezed her hand. It was the most comfort she had ever felt. She felt undeserving. But she was going to be selfish this time.


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