Chapter 7:

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Over the next week, Louis talks to Harry a few minutes before class. He feels like he's moving in the right direction. He's finally talking to Harry and that makes Louis very happy. Sure, they don't talk about much, but it makes each of them smile. It feels like maybe it could become routine. That this really is the start of something new.  Louis feels like maybe he will win Harry's heart after all.

It's Friday. Louis has been debating whether or not he should ask Harry to hang out. He wants them to hang out of school, so Harry knows that this is more than a casual thing. He wants Harry and him to be closer and the only way to do that is talk in private. He wants to know Harry's dreams, ambitions, and background. He wants to learn anything there is to know about Harry.

He's still debating as he walks into French. He's walking to his desk, when he notices something different. Not really different, more like something's missing. It seems that a certain curly haired lad isn't in class today. He wonders how it is that he didn't notice earlier. He blames it on the fact that he's been having an internal battle ever since he woke up.

Suddenly, he feels a body slam into him from behind.  He turns, fully prepared to yell at whoever crashed into him. However, he doesn't expect to see green eyes looking up at him.

"Oh Hey Harry, you ok?" Louis asks extending his arm to Harry. Harry clasps it and pushes himself forward, as Louis pulls him. He's pulled up right into Louis's chest. Harry can feel Louis' body heat. The close proximity starts to make him a bit dizzy. Louis just smiles lazily at Harry. Soon enough, Harry stands upright, and shuffles a bit backward.

"Yea 'm fine, just running a bit late today." Harry says shyly. Louis smiles at him.

"I can see that. Why?" Louis asks. Harry stiffens for a moment. He doesn't want Louis to know the reason he was late was because he feel asleep in the library. He was having a hard time falling asleep because he was thinking of a certain lad, who just so happens to be standing in front of him. Sure it was a very acceptable response, but if he said he had trouble sleeping he would have to explain. He didn't need Louis thinking he was weird just yet.

"Oh well see I got a bit caught up talking to Niall."

"Oh well at least you're here." Louis looks down at that. He knows that if he plans to ask him anything he better do it now. "So I was wondering if you were busy this weekend." Harry looks at Louis with wide eyes. Is Louis asking him out? He tries to keep his cool, but his voice betrays him.

"No why?" He squeaks. Louis looks at Harry hesitantly. He's not sure what to ask. Should he ask him on a date? Should he say it's just a casual thing? Should he forget he brought it up? Ok the last one isn't an option. He needs to do this. He wants to hang out with Harry.

"Well I was thinking we could get together, maybe see a movie, or a walk in the park..." Louis trails off uncertainty. He hopes Harry doesn't reject him. He hopes that Harry doesn't laugh in his face. It's funny, really. He shouldn't be as intimidated as he is, but something about his feelings for Harry scares him a bit.

"Oh um sure I'd like that." Harry finally says. Louis beams. He tells Harry that he'll talk with him later after school, so they can decide on what to do. With that, the bell rings and class starts.


After school, Harry and Louis talk about the "date". The both don't acknowledge the fact that they want it to be more. After many suggestions and unsure thoughts, they agree to go to the town fair. It's causal enough to not be considered a date, but at the same time it really is date. They share a bit of an awkward goodbye, seeing as they both don't want the other to go. But finally, they part ways with the intentions of seeing each other the next afternoon.

Louis is extremely happy. That went better than he could have imagined. Sure, it was a bit nerve-wracking, but he got results. Except, now he was scared. What would he and Harry talk about? Would he ask about his family? Would he ask about pets? Would he ask if he likes boys? He shakes his head. Of course he likes boys, he is gay after all. He really needs to stop overthinking it. It will be fine. As he walks home, he thinks about tomorrow. He thinks about sharing cotton candy, walking hand in hand, and obviously, riding the attractions.

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