Chapter 10:

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Harry just had the best night of his life. He's currently lying on his back on his bead, reminiscing about the time he and Louis just had. Everything just seems so surreal. He can't believe he actually had the courage to kiss Louis. Sure, it wasn't a full on kiss, but it was still special. He's never been so brave as to initiate any kind of first move. He smiles as he thinks about Louis face. The surprised expression, the slight blush. He doesn't think he'll ever forget it.

Tonight was a night like no other. Harry feels that Louis was really taking the time to understand him. He wasn't judgmental or mean. He listened to what Harry had to say and Harry was grateful for that. Louis even laughed at some of Harry's jokes, and his jokes are terrible.  He turns over in his bed to lie face down, a huge grin on his face. He keeps the goofy grin until he finally burrows into sleep. His dreams a constant replay of his night.


Harry goes to school on Monday feeling slightly anxious. He hasn't talked to Louis since Saturday. He wonders if maybe Louis hadn't had a great time after all. He thinks that maybe the date was a joke, maybe Louis didn't like him as much as he thought he did. He thinks that maybe Louis couldn't care less about him when he feels a body press into him from behind. He turns to find Louis standing there, beaming at him like the sun.

"Hiya Harry." Louis says, wrapping his arms around Harry. Harry wraps his arms around Louis' neck.

"Hi." Harry whispers into Louis neck. They pull apart and Harry thinks that maybe Louis didn't forget about him. Harry continues along the hall, Louis by his side.

"Saturday was fun." Louis states as they walk.


"So um I was kinda wondering if maybe you wanted to do something again. It doesn't have to be soon, like you know whenever. I just wanted to hang out with you again." Louis nervously asks. Harry just smiles at Louis' nerves. He wonders how people can see such a scary person. Honestly, Louis was the kindest punk he's ever met. He wasn't mean, at least not that Harry knows of, and he thought Louis was anything but scary.

"Sure, I'd like that. " Louis smiles at Harry. "Anytime, I don't mind. I like spending time with you." Harry flushes, but Louis just gives him another beautiful smile.

"Ok." They stand in the middle of the hall before they part ways with a promise to talk after school.


In French, Harry is mildly distracted. He's watching as Louis sits in his seat with a slightly bored expression. Louis seems to be paying attention, but really he's dying of boredom. He'd rather be talking with Harry about their next rendezvous. He likes that Harry seems to have enjoyed himself just as much as he had.

The teacher tells them to pair up and work on a new activity, so everyone begins to move around. Harry was so intent in watching Louis, that he didn't notice when people started shifting a round. He suddenly comes back to reality as he sees Louis making his way toward him. He looks away pretending to not have been looking at Louis and instead watches as the students move around. He's waiting as Louis approaches when suddenly someone is standing in front of him. He looks up and sees Nick Grimshaw looking down at him. He's known Nick for a bit now, and to be honest, he doesn't really like him. He's sweet enough, but it seems he doesn't understand that Harry isn't as interested in him as he thinks.

"Hey Harry have a partner yet?" Nick asks, making a move to sit in the seat next to him.

"Actually he does." Louis says as he takes the spot where Nick was going to sit.

"Louis." He says curtly. "Harry are you and Louis partners?" He seems to be challenging Louis. Harry doesn't want to upset Nick (maybe he does. Maybe he'll understand now.) so he just nods, looking away to avoid the sad look that's probably on Nick's face. Nick doesn't let it faze him. He walks away, glaring at Louis. Louis does the same and turns to Harry. Harry seems a bit frightened, so Louis softens his expression.

"Harry, are you alright?" Louis asks. He thinks that maybe he was the one who scared Harry, but then Harry explains.

"I'm fine. It's just Nick sometimes doesn't understand that I don't like him like that." Harry says. Louis feels jealous, but then he remembers Saturday. He knows Harry isn't one to easily open up. When he thinks about this, he automatically feels incredibly special. Harry wouldn't care for Nick no, Nick wasn't worth his time.

"Well I'll be here to hoard him off. Don't worry." Harry laughs. He feels like maybe he and Louis will definitely be more than friends. Maybe boyfriends, yeah he likes the sound of that.

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