Chapter 17:

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Christmas morning goes about the same as his birthday morning, except he's awaken at what Louis presumes to be the crack of dawn to open presents. Louis just watches idly as his sisters open their presents first. They receive huge amounts of clothing and a few gift card. His younger siblings also receive a few new dolls.

Just as Louis is about to drift off from his sitting position on the floor he's being jostled by his sister Lottie. She tells him it's time for him to open his presents. Louis pulls his presents towards him and begins opening them. As each box is opened, he finds the ground cover in tissue paper and items ranging from gift cards to cool sketchbooks and even a new skateboard. He thinks he's finished when Fizzy hands him another box. He eyes it closely and sees that this one isn't from his family, but from Harry. His boyfriend really needs to stop being so sweet. Honestly he wasn't expecting so much from Harry, but he feels even more loved just at the fact that Harry took the time to do all this for him.

Louis unwraps the box and sees that's it's bigger than the box from last night. He opens it and finds a pair of new black Vans and a flower crown. The flower clown is made up of black and blue flowers. There's also a little note inside. Because our two worlds collided, xoxo Harry. p.s I hope you at least wear the flower crown once, you'd look adorable, but you know still incredibly sexy. Louis gives a slight blush at the note but then just grins idiotically. He really does love Harry. He hopes Harry likes the present he had gotten him. Last night before he left, Louis handed him a blue bag with green tissue inside. He told Harry not to open it until Christmas morning. Inside was one of Louis sweaters, a necklace with a little crown, and it had a little card that said, 'Baby I know how much you love my sweaters so I'm letting you have one of them, even though I'll probably give you more as we keep going out. I also got you this necklace because it reminded me of my prince. Love, Louis.'

He really didn't know what to get Harry at first, but eventually he decided something from the heart always does the trick. Sure the necklace wasn't really from the heart, but when he saw it at the store he really couldn't resist.

His phone goes off next to him and he sees he got a text from Harry.

Love the present- Harry

Well I loved yours too- Louis

Suddenly the phone lit up with an incoming call, it was from Harry.

"Louis I absolutely loved it. The necklace is beautiful. I think I'll wear it every day, but you really didn't have to-" Harry began saying but Louis cut him off.

"Baby, don't even get me started. You gave me three gifts. I loved them all dearly. You deserve the best which is why I gave you the necklace. So don't worry baby. I love you and I love knowing you'll wear that necklace every day because everyone will ask who it's from and you'll say-"

"It's from the most amazing boyfriend ever." Harry finishes. Louis grins. They talk a bit more before Harry has to go.

"Bye, love. I'll see you on New Year's." Louis says.

"Of course." Harry replies. They say one last I love you and then they hang up, each one smiling like an idiot.


Niall was throwing a small get together for New Year's Eve. He invited Harry, who invited Louis, who then invited Zayn, and finally Liam. They would hang out; probably just watch movies and pig out. They would watch Dick Clark and just enjoy themselves. It would be the start of the year with all of them together.

Louis shows up at 6PM, wearing his new vans and the flower crown. Harry would be meeting him there, and he was more than excited when he walked through the door and was greeted by his cupcake. He smiled and hugged Harry back just as tight.

"Lou I've missed you." Harry whispers into the crook of his neck.

"I've missed you too cupcake." Louis says. He hears Harry giggle and then he's pulling away to drag him to the couch. Louis plops down and Harry does the same, except he sits on Louis' lap. Louis wraps his arms around Harry's waist. Harry leans back onto Louis, placing his head on his shoulder. Harry looks up at Louis and pushes his lips out, asking for a kiss. Louis complies and kisses his prince.

"Oi love birds, keep the kissing to a minimal until midnight." Niall shouts.  Harry pulls away blushing, while Louis just shrugs and kisses his temple. Suddenly the doorbell rings, Niall goes to open it. While he's gone, Louis takes the opportunity to place multiple kisses on Harry's lip. Harry giggles, while Louis continues placing kisses all over his face.

"What did I say." Niall says as he walks back into the living room, Liam and Zayn appear by his side. Zayn greets Louis and Harry and then settles next to them on the couch. Liam sits in the last available spot, next to Zayn. Zayn blushes slightly at the close proximity. Louis smiles at his best friend and the turns back to Harry, smiling.

The night goes by quickly. Eventually Niall's girlfriend arrives, leaving Harry and Louis to do as they please. They steal kisses and talk with Liam and Zayn. Harry can sense that Zayn has a crush on Liam and hopes that he does something about it tonight. Louis hopes for the same. He wants his best friend happy too. Soon the countdown starts and the group chants along.

"5...4...3...2...1...Happy New Years!!!" They all shout. Niall goes in for a kiss with his girlfriend. Louis does the same with Harry. The kiss is amazing. Harry can't wait to spend the new year with Louis. Louis can't wait to spend the new year with the boy he's been pinning after ever since the beginning of high school. Liam stares at Zayn and Zayn stares back. They don't realize they're leaning in until Zayn feels Liam's breathe against his lips. Screw it. Zayn goes in for the kiss. Liam kisses back and Zayn couldn't be any happier. The New Year couldn't have started better.

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