Chapter 12:

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Harry smiles down at his phone. Louis just texted asking him if he wants to go somewhere. Harry of course agrees. He loves spending time with Louis. He likes that they've been so close lately. He could really get used to the tattooed lad in his life. He doesn't care that they seem different. They're not. They like a few of the same bands and they both love movies. They have this special connection that no one else can compare to.

Harry pulls on one of the sweaters Louis let him borrow. It feels nice on his skin, even if it's a black. To make up for that he wears white pants to add some color. He puts on a pink flower crown and laces up his Chucks. He then walks out into the chilly September air to find Louis standing there in his usual black long sleeve and jeans.

"Hi Lou." Harry greets as he approaches Louis. Louis smiles at the nickname. Harry has taken to calling him that and he doesn't mind that one bit.

"Hey Curly, you have anywhere you want to go?" Harry mulls over the choices. He then decides that they should go to the nearby arcade. Louis of course agrees and they make their way over. They make conversation as the walk, only stopping when the reach a stop light.

On one occasion, they walk, minding their own business, when a man crashes into Harry. Harry topples slightly to the side, grabbing onto Louis to steady himself. The man turns and is met with Louis' harsh glare. He immediately apologizes and Louis wraps an arm around Harry and guides him away. Harry stays clung to Louis, liking the feeling of being so close.

As they approach the arcade. Louis lets go of Harry, making him feel slightly disappointed. His frown, however, is turned upside down when Louis grabs his hand and intertwines their hands. He pulls them into the building and Harry smiles wide. He looks around at all the games. Louis makes his way up to the counter and asks for $20 worth of quarters. The guy hands over the quarters and Louis grabs them heading over to the pac-man game. He plays a round first, then Harry. They go along like this for a bit, before they go to games for two players. They play dance dance revolution, then ski ball, then hoops. Their ticket pile is overflowing.

Harry eyes the prize concession every few seconds. He doesn't want Louis to notice, but of course he does. He says Harry eyeing a large green frog. It's adorable really and Louis knows that Harry wants it. So, when they get enough tickets he makes his way over. Harry expects Louis to get them both something, but when he goes for the frog he gasps quietly. Louis turns to Harry hands him the frog. Harry beams and Louis grins right back at him.

They're about to leave when Harry notices a photo booth. Harry pulls Louis over to it. Louis looks skeptical, but when he sees Harry's idiotic grin he lets himself be dragged in. He sits down and lets Harry fiddle with the buttons before he's being told by Harry to pose. The first pose is just a simple smile.

"Do a funny one." Harry instructs. Louis complies and sticks his tongue out and crosses his eyes. Harry makes a peace sign and winks at the camera. "Another." So Louis makes another funny face and Harry laughs and the picture is taken. Harry does a thinking face, finger on his chin, trying to come up with a way to pose. Louis decides for him and leans in to peck Harry's cheek as the camera snaps a photo. Harry instantly blushes and Louis just smirks at him as the last photo is taken.

Harry jumps up and quickly exits the booth. He tries to calm his breathing. Louis kissed him on the cheek! He feels so special in that moment. Louis follows after him, going to pick up the two copies of photo strips. He looks them over, smiling at the last two photos.

"Here Harry." He hands the blushing boy his pictures. "How bout we head home." Harry nods and they walk out into the sunset. As they walk Harry can't help but bring up the kiss.

"So um what was with the thing in there?" Harry asks shyly.

"What?" Louis says knowing exactly what Harry was talking about.

"The kiss." Harry whispers.

"Oh well- we needed a pose, so why not?" Louis looks nervous. Maybe kissing Harry wasn't the best idea.

"Oh well um okay. I liked it." Harry immediately blushed. Maybe it wasn't so bad.

"Well I liked it too." Harry grins and Louis does the same. They walk slowly, not wanting to be away from each other just yet. As they walk their hands brush against each other. Louis can't take it anymore. He feels like being so close to Harry and not being able to touch is driving him crazy. He decides to forget the consequences and intertwines his hand with Harry's. Harry doesn't mind that at all. They continue walking. Harry is dying to know what's happening. Are he and Louis dating? Are these outings dates? He has so many questions, but he can't ask him, he's too scared.

Finally they're approaching Harry's house. Louis decides that this is as much as he can take. He's going to go for it. He's going to tell Harry how he feels. He just can't hide it anymore.

"Harry..." He starts, before they walk up Harry's front steps. "I want to tell you something. I want you to hear me out before you say anything."

"Ok." So Louis takes a few deep breathes. Here goes nothing.

"Well Harry, you know you're wonderful right. I mean you're great. You're like one of the sweetest people I've ever met. I'm always just so in awe of your kindness. Ok I'm rambling." Harry raises a brow at Louis. "Ok so um, I think you're incredible. That's been established. What you don't know is that I- I-" Louis hesitates for a second before he just pours it out. "I really like you. I like you so much. I've liked you ever since freshman year. So I just thought you should know." Louis sighs when he finishes. He looks up at Harry and finds him with wide eyes. "So that's it feel free to say something." Harry just stares, before he regains his train of thought. LOUIS LIKES HIM! He remembers he should say something and he grins, big.

"I like you too Louis." What he does next catches them both off guard. He leans in and pecks at Louis lips. They both gasp and pull away. It was their first kiss and Louis swears he felt a spark. Harry feels the same. He's never felt that before and he likes the feeling. Louis leans in again, Harry doing the same. The meet in the middle and kiss again. It's a short sweet kiss. No tongues, just the feeling of their lips pressed against each other. They pull away.

"Wow." Louis whispers out of breathe. Harry does the same. This is all new to Harry but he definitely likes it. He thinks that he and Louis will be something great. Louis gives him one last peck before he says goodnight. He leaves a grinning Harry at his doorstep. Harry feels like he's floating. It might have only been a few weeks, but he swears he's in love.

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