Chapter 8:

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Harry was bouncing Saturday morning. Louis would be here in two hours to pick him up. He was looking through his closet for a suitable outfit. He knew this wasn't something you needed to drees up for, but he wanted to look more decent than usual. He wanted to make an impression. He wanted Louis to remember tonight.

He didn't really know if tonight was a date, but he wouldn't mind it going in that direction. He wanted to walk around holding hands, giggling at silly jokes. He wanted Louis to win him something, pecking his cheek as he did so. He just wanted the cliché style date that he sees in the movies.

However, as much as he wanted that, he wasn't sure how Louis felt about him. Louis had been nice to him in the last few days he's known him. He doesn't think Louis will be any different on their day out, and that's what confuses him. He's worried that maybe he's reading the situation wrong. Maybe this isn't a date at all. But, then what reason would he ask him in the first place. Harry sighs, tells himself to stop overthinking things He looks over and sees he has an hour and forty-five minutes now. He quickly chooses an outfit, and runs into the shower. He quickly, but effectively cleans himself up. He walks into his room and changes into dark jeans, a white t-shirt, and a light baby blue knit sweater. He goes over to his wall and looks over his flower crowns. He can either wear a white flower crown or his flower crown with the mixed shades of blue. He decides to go with the simple white. He thinks it'll make him classy and cute. He finishes it off with white Converse.

Suddenly, he hears the doorbell downstairs. Shoot. He forgot to check the time. He hears the door being opened, his mum greeting whoever's at the door. He hears whispers before his mum shouts up to him, telling him Louis is here. He's here! Harry takes deep breathes, tries to calm his breathing. It's going to be fine, he tries to convince himself. He starts making his way downstairs. He pauses at the last step, takes one last deep breathe, and turns the corner. He thinks that he might have stopped breathing. Standing there is Louis wearing black sweater and black jeans, black Vans covering his feet. Louis looks at Harry, showing off his brilliant smile. Harry goes weak at the knees.

"Well Harry greet your guest." Anne scolds. Harry finally comes back to reality and squeaks out a hello.

"Hello there Harry. You ready to go?" Louis asks extending his arm. Harry places his hand in the crook of Louis elbow. Anne silently awwws at the cuteness. She reminds Harry of his curfew and shoos them away. Harry's glad his mum didn't make a big deal about Louis being a punk. She was always very accepting.

Louis guides Harry along the sidewalk. The fair is only a few blocks away, and it's a great day outside. He figures Harry would enjoy their short nature trek. Plus, in this way, he can spend even more with Harry.

"So Harry, are you excited for the fair?" Louis asks as the turn the corner. Harry nods. "Are you planning to go on the rides?" Harry nods again. "Don't be shy, you can talk you know." Harry blushes.

sorry I'm just a bit nervous." Harry realizes what he said and tries to retract her statement. "I mean not nervous because it's a date or anything, but because it's you. Not that you make me nervous, but..." He trails off not really sure what to say anymore.

"Its fine love, you don't have to be nervous, it's just me." Louis states, he doesn't say anything about the date part, figures it's better to leave it out in the open as a possibility, only if Harry wants it to be. Harry just sighs, feeling like a complete idiot and they're not even there yet.

"Yea but it's because it's you that I'm nervous. You're the only other person I've talked to alone other than Niall. It's been a long time since I've been on my own without him."

"That so?" Louis asks, trying to remember that Niall is no way a threat to getting to Harry, yet still feeling slightly jealous.

"It's just not a lot of people take the time to get know me. They think I'm weird for wearing 'girl' clothes. They think I want to be a girl or that I'm some kind of cross dresser. I'm not really, I just like feeling pretty." Harry ends. He looks over at Louis and finds him looking at him already. Harry thinks that maybe Louis is having second thoughts, maybe he wants to leave. He's surprised when they stop walking and Louis turns Harry so they're face to face.

"I think your pretty, beautiful even." Louis states simply. Harry turns red. He was not expecting that at all. Louis thinks he's beautiful. Harry feels himself smiling so big it hurts.

"Thanks." Harry whispers. They continue walking, arm in arm, to the fair. Harry thinks that this might be a date after all. He doesn't mind it one bit.

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