the garden party part 1

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Y/n pov

I woke up to p/n licking (or whatever your pet does) My face. I giggled at sat up."good morning p/n" I said as I hugged her/him. I got up and put on my out fit

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Soon I heard grandad yell."KIDS!!!" I ran down stairs to see grandad In a towel holding a empty carton of orange juice."one of yall would like to explain this" he said holding the orange juice."uhh the orange juice of the mini skirt" Riley asked as he rubbed his eye."which one of yall drunk the last glass of orange juice,that's a whole day of vitamin c what am I suppose to do about my vitamin c now." He said as he looked angry . yall need to start to appreciate your grandaddy. I went and spent your inheritance on this beautiful house, and all I asked you to do is have some class. "Aye whats class" Riley whispered to me. " it means when we don't act like n*ggas ( if you are a different race,act like huey) I (or huey) responded."see that's what I'm talking about right there,we don't use the n word in this house." Grandad said as he looked at us.

" grandad you said the n word 46 times yesterday, I counted . " Huey said."n*gga hush"granded said as he pointed at huey." Now you may not like this but I moved yall out here to expand your horizon there's a new white man out here for example did you know that he likes Gormay cheese.

" I'm sorry did you say cheese" I said confused"yep cheese give the meanest white man a piece of cheese he turn In to Mr rodgers" grandad responded confidently. "Grandad you can't tame the white man with cheese" Huey responded back." He's got a point " I said with a matter of fact tone."yes I can" grandad argued back."no can't "Huey yelled back. me and Riley just really just sat there and watched

Time skip

I was on the roof with huey and Riley."how can somebody that old say something that stupid" Huey said as he pointed the sniper at people." I know something about white people like when they talk the" Riley responded with." To be honest I don't really know and don't really care." I stated randomly while laying down on the roof." Why did he move us out here, probably to make us miserable." Huey muttered as he brought his knees to his chest.

" I heard white people take time out of they day to study" Riley pointed out." I hate this place" Huey muttered again." I don't know I kind of like it here it's calm and barely any trouble and I can walk to a starbucks." I stated."and white people arrest you" Riley said as he pointed the sniper to a cop. All of a sudden I saw a black limo. I snatched the sniper from Riley to get better look at the black limo." Looks like the feds." Huey said as he climbed down the ladder. Me and Riley followed suit and looked out the window to see a chubby old white man with a bald head walking at the door.

Soon we heard the door bell and grandad opened the door .
"I'm looking for Robert freeman" the man" stated. "I'm Robert freeman" grandad replied." Hi I'm ed Wuncler from wuncler savings and loans" he stated as he gave grandad a card. me huey and Riley looked from from stairs."uh so" grandad asked a confused." I own the bank that owns your house".Wuncler responded as he looked at the house." Oh well come in sir, welcome to your house.

" Grandad welcome in Mr what ever his name was. Grandad showed Mr Wuncler (sounds like something from the lorax) " Mr freeman my family found wood crest almost 170 years ago I was born here and I still live here" he stated as me and huey was sneaking around." I consider this place as family and I'm very selective about who I allow into this family, understand what I'm saying robert" ed went on about wood crest." Yes I under stand, would you like some cheese?" Grandad asked nervously." Did you just offer me cheese?" Ed stated angrily." Yes, yes I did " grandad looked nervous as he looked at ed.

"I'd love some cheese thank you" ed stated politely." Y/n go get the fancy cheese" grandad yelled. I went to the fridge and got the cheese." If you don't mind me asking a few questions, are you gay and if so do you have a gay lover in the house?" Ed practically shouted." Gay no I'm not gay I may a man looks nice with good hair and a pony tale but no I'm not gay." Grandad replied. As we continued to ask questions huey was pointing a gun a ed.

Grandad noticed the laser and looked at huey and started to stutter. I walked in with the cheese and some drinks." Here you go grandad and Mr Wuncler." I politely said as I sat everything down. I walked away went next to huey." Your granddaughter" ed asked. " no just a friend of my grandsons." Grand said nervously. Grandad saw the laser again a stood.

" Its been a pleasure Mr I own every thing we should get together and have more cheese." Grandad stuttered out." U like you Mr freeman what are you doing tomorrow. I'm hosting a garden party for my grandson you should come." Mr Wuncler stated. As Mr Wuncler was walking out the door huey almost shot him, bit grandad closed the door just in time. Grandad turned around and looked at us.

"HUEY!!" Grandad yelled. We was sitting on the couch as grandad spectated the gun " can I have my gun back" Riley said impatiently but grandad acedently shot him. Grandad was celebrating about the garden party I went down on the floor to check on riley.

To be continued........

So it's been a while. I know I should have updated sooner but school and band practice is getting harder and it's exam. So I thought I would update. I hope this makes up from the months I've been gone. I'm going to continue to update just very slowly

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