grandads fight

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☆No one's pov☆

It was a normal sunny day In Woodcrest. While everyone one was walking. Two dudes bumped into each other. "Aye watch where you walking nigga" the dude in red said as he turned to look at him. "Aye what you say nigga?" The other said. "Watch closely your about to experience a nigga moment,what should define a nigga moment, as a moment with ignorance overwhelmed the minds of another wise logical negro male." Soon both pulled out guns pointing them at each other. " causing him to act in a illogical, self-destructive manor" they both started shooting but non of the shots hit neither of them. "Nigga moments are unpredictable" "Aye yo man this is stupid" one of them said as he put his gun down. "Aye man you right we shouldn't be doing this,let's put the guns away and go on about our business" he said as he put the gun away. "Freeze!" Said a police officer as he and his partner started shooting "but they all end up bad, if they had they own category. Nigga moments would be the third killer of black man behind pork chops and F.E.M.A It's a fact. Now let's see how a nigga moment affects a white man" again as they were walking,the white man bumped into him by accident. "Watch where you walking bitch" the black man said as he turned around "what did you- wait a minute haha, I'm white" he said as he laughed and walked away. "A big misconception about the nigga moment, is that it can be avoided by just moving away from niggas,if only it was that easy. See niggas always seem to have a new trick just around the corner"

Soon a nasty, almost broken down truck,starts speeding around the corner,driving in the wrong lane as people were screaming trying to not get hit by it. An old man was driving the truck and ran a red light (drive safe yall)

♡Y/n pov♡

As we left the mall,I felt good in my new shoes. I giggles a lil as grandad was showing off his new shoes to. "Listen up yall,about to sing the new shoes song" he said as he started dancing. I smiled as we continued walking to the car. Before I could take another step Huey pulled my hood and pulled me back into his arms as some maniac In a truck speed by and almost hit me. I sigh in relief and  thanked huey. We all look at the truck as it went to park but, HE HIT OUR CAR!? oh hell nah. We all kept yelling for him to stop as he got ready to hit the car again. "Bruh I are deaf we said stop!!" I said as I got closer to the car.

☆No ones pov☆
"Every nigga moment always begin with a nigga, without that key element, all your left with is peace, and quiet. Colonel H. Stinkmeaner is and always has been a violent and mean old man. He has spent his child hood disagreeing with most things,especially thing's  that involved happiness. So he didn't predictably mine when he lost his site to cancer. Doctors gave him 3 years to live, so he dedicated those 3 years spreading a life time of misery and hatred. Nobody knows how he managedto live so long. He believed that it was his love of hatred that kept him alive"

♡y/ns pov♡

This old dude came out and started trying to yell,now I was raised to respect your elders,but I was almost raised by the saying respect Is earned not given.
"Who the hell parked in my space,thats like calling 1-800-collect a ass whoopen" I looked at him like he was crazy. "Um sir you hit us, like twice and was finna hit us a third time. Are you blind?" I said as I crossed my arms. "Yes I am lil girl, you got a problem with that?" He asked as he got up in my face. "Ok sir please back up,you spitting everywhere,and second no I don't have a problem with that,its just your not supposed to be driving duh" I said as I backed away from his face. "You could have killed somebody" Huey said from beside me. I agree huey, he almost killed me!? "I'd be doing them a favor,getting run over by me is the closest thing to an honorable death,then any of yall would get." "Oooh look what you did to Dorothy, I hope yo ass got insurance" grandad said.

☆no one's pov☆

"And just like that,my granddad was trapped in a nigga moment. At this point  he an

A.walk away and let insurance handle it


B. Fight  with a dumb, crazy,blind nigga

Let's see witch one he chose.

♡Y/N pov♡

"Haha! That's right I backed into your car nigga,what you gonna do about it?" Stinkmeaner said with a smirk on his face. "Oh hell no,grandad let's whoop this nigga ass right now!" Riley said squaring up, but I pulled him back. Stink meaner started to get all up in grandad face,yelling Insult after insult. "Hold up,I smell new shoes" he said as he smirked and went up to grandad and stepped on his shoes. Grandad better than me for real,cause i don't play about my shoes. Grandad looked at me and huey and we both nodded at him. He balled up his fist and swung but stinkmeaner dodged it and Grandad fell to the floor. Stink meaner let out some kind of war cry and hit Grandad in his knees with his cane. He was going to hit Grandad again but I grabbed Grandad cane and blocked it. "This fight is over" I said as I helped granddad up.

♡we in the car♡
We in the car,it's basically silent as only the radio was playing. "I hate this damn song" grandad turned off the radio. "I can't believe you got yo ass whooped by a blind nigga Grandad!?" Riley said as he laughed next to me in the back seat. I sighed and put my head phones in,I don't have time for listening to this.

Soon we got home and Riley was still laughing. I saw Grandad sigh in disappointment and go in the living room. I looked at Riley and slapped him in the back of the head and huffed. I went to the kitchen to get dinner ready. As you got done with dinner I fixed Grandad a plate and went in the living room to give it to him. "Hey Grandad, you hungry? I made your favorite" I said smiling. "He smiled back a lil and sighed. " not tonight cutie pie,just put it in the microwave" he said. I frowned a little and made huey and Riley plate. Of course I made a vegetarian dish for huey. They both thanked me as I went upstairs to get ready for bed

To be continued....

That was 1,190 words😭

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