the trial

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Y/n pov (I'm terrible at writing this story)

I was sitting next to heuy as we all was just watching tv. I roll my eyes at the news channel we was watching. "Former singer Whitney Huston appeared in court along side husband Bobby brown who is facing battery charges for allegedly beating his one respectable wife" the new lady said. I sighed and continued listening as huey rose his eyebrow at the TV. I gasped as he hit his wife,in court to make it worse. Riley started laughing,and I just side eyed him,like um sir that shi ain't that funny. "You know,I think they're on drugs" grandad said as he reached for the remote. He changed the channel to B.E.T and me and huey and Riley got flashed. I could not believe my e/c eyes,like what the flip."Ooo yall cover your eyes" grandad said. Huey covered my eyes and looked at grandad in just pure disappointment. Riley got up in his laying position and looked at the screen. I heard grandad change the channel,and huey uncovered my eyes. I smile at him and he looked back the screen a lil flustered (yall got that winning smile fr)

"And our top story today it seems our hip pop community is trading in there gold chains for gold showers, hip pop singer R-kelly is on trial again this week for sharing some of his "liquid bling" with yet another under aged girl". "Oop-" I said as I looked at the scree. "That is foul,nasty and just plain wrong" I said with a face of just disgust. It seem huey agreed with me and made a face of disgust to.

"What's wrong with a man gifting a golden shower,sounds good to me" grandad said. Me and Riley looked at each other and just busted out laughing. "What,shoot I wish someone would have gave me a golden shower" he said proudly. I just laughed harder leaning on huey for support as Riley was leaning on me dieing from laughing. "One I like gold,two I like showers". My side hurt from laughing and poor huey is just letting me lean on him. "If ya good,Santa Claus might give you a golden shower for Christmas" Riley said as I  was just over there dieing please help my side hurts. " R&B singer R-Kelly will be heading into court tomorrow for the first day of his latest,highest, and ticipated trial tomorrow for child pornogrophy and lewd acts with a local minor". I looked at huey, " lock his ass up fr" he nodded at me agreeing with me. "Grandad could you take us into the city tomorrow to watch the R-kelly trial" Rey said getting up from leaning on me.

"Hell no, but you could walk" grandad said getting more comfortable in his chair. I just realized that I'm still leaning on huey,but he doesn't seem to mind at all,or does he? Idk his face is to hard to read sometimes,but he hasn't pushed me away so I guess I'm good. He just smacked his teeth and sat back down. " assistant district attorney Thomas Dubois is leading the prosecution of Kelly and has mounts of evidence on the R&B preformer, including a video tape allegedly showing Kelly urinating on a 14 year old girl. Which is widely available on" the news guy said.

I saw Riley peek interest at that and glared at his direction. He better not do what I think he's gonna do." I'm gonna go uh check my e-mail" he said getting up suspiciously. "Boy sit yo ass back down" I said still looking at the TV. Riley grunted annoyed but still sat his ass back down

♡time skip to the next day♡
As me,Riley and huey were walking,we were stopped by Tom waving us over. I smiled and waved back. " hey huey,Riley  and (y/n), I see your sign and I hope your not to upset at me for having to prosecute Mr,kelly" he said with his usual smile. "To be honest I can care less what really happens to him" I said shrugging. "Hey man you do what you gotta do-" Huey was cut off by Riley  "What did R-kelly do to you huh?". "He's accused of relieving himself on a teenage girl on tape,which is against the law". I mean Tom got a point, that's just wrong fr. "Ok,so let's examine this whole peeing I can pee in the toilet it's ok,but if I pee on another person it's like not ok?" He said trying to prove his point. "Well yeah" Tim responded. "Well what if I'm peeing and (y/n) is in the bathroom and I accidentally pee on her,should I go to jail?" He said. "Riley,why the hell would I be in the bathroom while your in the bathroom?" I said with a lil disgust. Huey snickered a lil and I shot him a playful glare. Riley looked at huey "Hold up you remember when we was lil and we used to sleep in the same bed,from time to time I had a lil accident, so Mr Duboi what is the limitations on bed wetting?you gonna prosecute me and R-kelly at the same time" he said looking to dead in the eye. I can't believe this, chill riley like it's not that deep fr. I looked at huey as he looked a tom. "Damn,You just got owned by a 8 year old"

♡time skip♡

After that whole lil conversation with tom, we made to the court house. We saw alot of angry protesters outside,holding signs. I just rolled my eyes,now that's know what never-mind (aye I'm black don't come for me in the comments👍🏾). Riley tried to join them but me and huey pulled him back "Aye what you doing!? free R-kelly! Free R-kelly" he said struggling to get away from us."riley have you lost your mind" I said.soon all he broke loose,people were fighting and all type of shit. Huey pulled me behind him to protect me from the chaos,what a gentlemen.

But it all stopped when we saw a black limo pull up infront of us and the one and only criminal-I mean r-kelly stepped out of the limo. Everyone parted ways and photographers and news reporters surrounded him as he went in the court house. I heard his lil speech and just gave him the "be so fr face". Yeah that was a load of just pure bs.

Everyone entered the court house and took they're seats. But half way through the trial I was getting bored and leaned on huey and pulled out my headphones. "Yo huey wake me up when it's time to go" I said as I pulled my hood over my eyes and put my headphones in my ears. He nodded at me and continued to listen  to this God forsaken trial (didn't mean to use God name in vain like that)

I woke up after a while and saw huey mad af. I wasn't Really listening to much,but I heard enough to know that this trial is as you know what imma about to say,a load of bs. Prosecution rest" Tom said sadly. I sighed sadly and looked at huey as they started playing r-kelly songs and he looked pissed, he gently set me up right and walked up to the front of the court and turned the music off. "What the hell is wrong with all of you? Every famous nigga that gets arrested is not Nelson Mandela,guess the government could inspire us to put alot of black men in jail for lazy charges,but r-kelly is not one of those niggas. We all know the nigga can sing,but what happened to standards? What happened to bare minimums? You a fan of R-kelly? You wanna help r-kelly? Then get some counseling for R-Kelly. Introduce him to some older women,But don't pretend like the man is a hero.... And stop the damn dancing! Act like you got some God damn sense people!" He said as he walked off (preach again huey)  "booo! Aye you with the afro beat it,put the music back on" Riley said and they put the music back on. I sighed and walked over to huey and put my hand on his shoulder. "You right huey,but In this day and age,black people don't give a fuck what anyone say,they do they own thing,we just have to learn and deal with it" I smiled. He sighed and gave me a little smile back. "Thanks (y/n),atleast someone got some sense in this place." He said as we walked out the court and grabbed Riley so we could go home. We say grandad waiting outside for us.

I just can't wait to go home and get a damn nap fr....

And that's the end of this chapter fr,hope yall doing good,but yes if yall didn't know I'm black,like dark-skinned.
Some people didn't know that and assumed I couldn't say the n-word and I was being racist.but I am black and can say the n word

But anyway I love you all and I'll try and update more,but finals are coming up,and I'm going to be under a lil bit of stress.

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