❀ Chapter 27 ❀

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With only one arm in use, I couldn't have managed the bath without Rachel's assistance. Thankfully I am free of mud once again. The lavender scented soap makes me smell heavenly and I'm already planning how I can sneak a few bars into my trunk before I leave. Rachel took such care to dry and brush out my hair in front of the fire. She dressed me in another lovely dark green linen dress. It is the darkest of the green dresses with a trim in a slightly lighter green. She picked one with short sleeves so it doesn't irritate my injured arm.

I managed to eat without getting food on my pretty dress, which is an accomplishment with my left arm trussed up in the sling. And even though Edmund would prefer me to lie in bed, I am sitting in a chair in front of the fire, waiting for Mrs. Goode to come up for our discussion. Based on my previous interactions with her I do not anticipate it being a friendly conversation.

My aunt came to check on me while Rachel was brushing my hair. I haven't spoken to her much since we have been here at Beaumont, which has been nice because she hasn't had the chance to reprimand me, being so busy talking with others. But today she was in full force. Her expression was quite severe when she rebuked me for falling off the horse and apparently 'trying to create drama'. She said Regina was terribly upset that I had interrupted her archery time with Edmund. My aunt seems to think I should feel a good deal of remorse for my part in the situation. I tried to assure her that I did not intentionally fall off the horse but she remains skeptical. It was a relief when she left. 

Aunt Tufton thought nothing of chastising me in front of Rachel, who gave an audible sigh when she was finally gone. I heard her mutter, "...reminds me of my grandmother..." Now that my hair is arranged, Rachel is sitting in a chair nearby doing some sort of needlework. I admire her ability to do stitchery. If I were to have her more than a couple days more I would ask her to teach me a little of it. 

It is quiet now since the bath was removed and I remember something I had wanted to ask her. "Rachel, was there a reason you were glaring at Lord Westworth earlier today? I thought I detected some annoyance on your part." She is quietly pursing her lips at my question. "Was there something he did that I should know?"

Rachel looks at me with some regret, "No Miss. He has done nothing. Everyone seems to really like Lord Westworth." She goes back to her sewing.

"But there must have been some reason that you were upset with him. Couldn't you tell me what it is?" She looks to be holding back something from me. I know she likes to gossip though, so I hope to be able to pull it from her. "Please?"

She puts down her sewing, she isn't delighted to give me the gossip like she usually is. She begrudgingly says, "Well, I had thought when he sent you the cake and the note that he was planning to court you. I thought it was so romantic." Her eyes get alarmed. "But I didn't tell anyone my thoughts! I kept them to myself, I promise!"

I smile and shake my head to let her know I never thought she would tell. "Then yesterday everyone was abuzz with the fact that the master plans to propose to Miss Dubois. All the servants are in a tizzy over it because she is so awful and no one wants her to be mistress here. She has been cruel to several of the staff this week."

I frown a bit, "First of all, Rachel, Lord Westworth has never had romantic intentions toward me. He told me straight away that he would not be marrying anytime soon. He has been helping me to find a suitor." I push the memory of our almost kiss from last night out of my mind so that I am not lying. "The cake was just him being thoughtful, not a declaration of his love." I pause to think how to word the rest of my thoughts. "But I wonder what could make everyone think that he would propose to Miss Dubois. I know they have spent much time together but I did not think he planned to marry anyone for many years." I know Regina has told me they were to marry but I have tried to believe that was wishful thinking on her part.

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