Chapter 38 - The Noble Lady in a Simple Frock

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Alexcent got up before her as usual. As soon as he woke up, he felt something tickling his nose. He rubbed at it sleepily and looked down to see what it was. He was surprised to see that he had been lying on top of Amethyst's pillow with her. He slowly sat up as to not wake her up and put on his gown without a sound before getting up from the bed.


Alexcent came to a sudden halt at the sound of his foot hitting something on the floor and quickly glanced behind at Amethyst lying on the bed.


He had tried to be cautious but her sleep still had been disturbed. Alexcent clicked his tongue and approached her side of the bed, sat beside her and stroked her hair.

"Go back to sleep."


"It is time for me to get up."

"Then I will too." Amethyst sat up barely able to open her eyes and lifted her arms to stretch. A groan left her when air popped from her joints and her muscles ached.


Alexcent carefully massaged her shoulder.

"Sleep a little more. You can't even open your eyes."

"I wanted to do something more productive today."


"Yes, For example.... shopping."

At the words shopping, the hand massaging Amethyst's shoulder stopped. Recalling the experience from the previous shopping trip for the wedding dress, he quickly shot up from the bed.

"Well then it's getting late. I should start getting ready for work."


"Hmm?" He distractedly asked while his eyes flitted from side to side.

"Are you trying to run away from here?" She tilted her head and gazed at him.

"Of course not."

As Alexcent tried to avoid her eyes, Amethyst's eyes glimmered.

"Alec, do you want to go shopping with me?"

"No." He replied bluntly.

"But why? Let's go together, it'll be so much fun. Just like old-"

Alexcent stopped her from talking with his mouth. Unlike the rough kisses like yesterday, it was a warm and gentle kiss. Amethyst instinctively closed her eyes.

"I'll send Lunia with you. Enjoy yourself. I'll see you later."

He then left the bedroom hurriedly before she could even reply. He couldn't believe he had actually considered her request for a minute. He let out a sigh of relief and ordered the maid who was standing in front of the door.

"Clean up the room."

"Yes, sir."

Then he spoke to Pon who was trailing behind him.

"Get rid of all male staff wherever Amethyst is. Rather, only allow female staff in the inner house."

"Sir?" He looked taken aback by the unusual order from his master.

"Including yourself."

"Including m-" he cut himself off at a sharp glance from the prince. "Understood sir."

This was a necessary precaution for Amethyst who didn't like to wear 'uncomfortable undergarments', but Pon could only understand the reason after hearing the gossip from the maids serving Amethyst.

The Royal Dealजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें