Chapter 42 & 43 - A Doting Husband

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"Yes. It's not productive and it feels like you're meaninglessly wasting time."

She couldn't believe the audacity of the man before her. He had actually answered. And that too, so truthfully, without fear of her bashing his head in. Maybe he didn't even realize that she was mad. She was so surprised that she actually calmed down.

"Bloody hell! Are you possessed by a workaholic ghost or something? I mean how can someone work all the time?"


"Yes! You should rest when you are resting and work when you are working to increase efficiency. If people work like you, they will never be able to date their entire life and die alone! Now tell me honestly." She leaned closer to him in curiosity. "Have you ever dated anyone before?"

"Why would I do such a thing?"

She fell back in the chair, her eyebrows raised and mouth open in shock. "Wow. Look at wonder you've never dated anyone and gotten yourself into a contract marriage. You're a soloist."

"What? Soloist? What is that supposed to mean?"

"Solo! Someone who's never dated since they were born."

Alexcent tilted his head and spoke as if it was bothersome. "Amethyst, I don't have to do something as frivolous as dating. I am enough as I am."

She narrowed her eyes at him. The ideal guy who had it all; looks, brains, or wealth. He didn't need to try to look good for a woman, or ask someone on a date. He was a perfect guy and women fell at his feet no matter where he was. And the worst part was, he was well aware of it.

'Those who are pretty, always know they are.'

"What an eyesore." She mumbled beneath her breath and went back to her cake.


"I said, the cake is delicious." She said and brought the fork to her lips, so she wouldn't have to speak anymore.

After they were out of the café, she dragged Alec around the streets of Newhenfield, and went through almost every shop until he had had enough.



"Yes, Your Highness."

After almost shoving Amethyst into the carriage, Alexcent ordered the coachman to move. Amethyst too was slightly tired. She had been devious and had done her best to annoy him, feeling satisfied as she saw his expressions turn into a deeper grimace. But once she was seated in the carriage, she realized how numb her feet and legs were. She m0aned in pain as she felt the heat and s0reness in her feet.

"What is it?"

She considered not telling him, not wanting to admit that her venture had tired her too, but quickly gave in.

"My feet hurt. I guess I walked too much today."

"Tsk, I told you to take it easy."

While Alexcent clicked his tongue and rebuked her, Amethyst fought the urge to poke her tongue out at him. The carriage came to a stop at the entrance of the mansion and Alexcent descended first. Amethyst went to follow suit when he lifted her up in his arms and carried her inside.

"Ah! Alec!"

"Stop moving. Didn't you say your feet hurt?"

"Yes, but I can still walk on my own!"

"Stay still or I will drop you."

Even though he spoke harshly, she knew he would never do it. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stopped squirming.

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