Chapter Two A Christmas Miracle

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Grayson's POV
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A few hours before

"Face it bro you can't keep a women to save your life" beux says

I laugh
"At least I don't have a women pulling at my dick all the time"

"Hey Iv doesn't pull she tugs when I ask her too"

"Ew please keep it to yourself"

"I'm just saying man your mom desperately wants you to bring a girl home and you still haven't found anyone that's just sad"

I roll my eyes
But my heart also pains constrictingly at the thought of my mom she's sick and I want more than anything to bring a girl home for her

But I want her to be the right one

"I just want her to be the right one that's all" I say aloud

Beux looks at me with an I don't care face

"Hey man Ivy just texted me wanna come to Winnie's diner with us?"

"Yeah why not I'm starving"

"We'll go in a few hours"

"Oh Eira's coming" beux says

"Eira?" I ask confused

"She works at the diner"

Finkleberg turns around with a smug look on his face

"Your girl is friends with that nutcase?"

"Don't talk about her finkle" beux says standing up

"Bro relax" I say to beux
"Fuck off finkle" I say quickly after

"Likewise Wilder"

Finkle leaves the change room and I turn to beux with a confused expression

"Guys a dick I'll just leave it at that"

"Yeah can't argue that"

"Anyway man let's get out of here and hit the road"

I nod and think about finkle
"What a fucker"

My mom calls me and something the size of a ball forms in my throat

"Hey mom"

"Hi hunny I just wanted to call and ask if we're expecting anyone else."

"Uhm yeah actually" I blurt oh mother fucker why I'd do that

" okay I'll see you next week sweetie"

"bye ma"


We get to the diner and I see my buddy oak

"What's up Wilder"

"Oak my brother what's going on?"

"Just gathering the courage to ask one of the waitresses Whitney out"

"Go for it man what's the worst that can happen?" 

"She pours my coffee on my dick"

I frown at his responds

My frown quickly disappears when I see Ivy and I'm assuming Eira walk in

She's very beautiful
She's has dark brown hair and pretty brown eyes

She had a round face and Rosie cheeks I'm assuming from the cold

"Hey boys" Ivy says cheerfully

We all nod hello

Eira walks to our table and starts taking our order I decide to tease her bit

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