Chapter Ten A Real Christmas

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                                    Eira's POV
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It was officially Christmas Eve

Me and Grayson never continued our conversation about what interests him and it's been eating at my insides.

I've gotten along really well with Grayson's mother it hurts my heart that she's sick and I really hope she can pull through.

Me and Grayson have slept in the same bed ever since that night.

And the tension we have together just keeps building and building.

When he kissed me on the cheek it sent a thousand butterflies through my stomach. More then I've ever had with my past boyfriends and we haven't even kissed.

It's crazy

I got him a snow globe for Christmas

It was two people ice skating and I thought it was a cute little reminder of all the crazy things we've experienced when this was all over.

"Eira can I come in?"  I hear May call from outside the door

"Yeah come in"

"I got you and Grayson matching Christmas sweaters as a little gift from me to you"

"Aw thank you" I gave her a gentle hug and she gave me a warm smile

"Where is Grayson?"

"Him and Tom are cutting the tree"

"Is there a reason y'all don't keep it up longer?"

"We usually do but I don't have the strength to come pick one this year and or help Tom bring it back"

"So we waited for Grayson to home so he could do it"

I nod in understanding

"We're home!"  Tom yells

"Let's go see what tree that boy picked shall we"

I laugh and nod


"Grayson pass me that ornament" I say on the small latter

Grayson holds it steady while also holding onto the back of my thigh

"And done"

"We did good" I give Grayson a high five

And he stares at me intensely

"Eira I have something to ask you" Grayson starts

"But he stops when his mom says it's time for dinner

I guess this is just another conversation we'll have to continue later Wilder"

"So Eira how was Christmas at your house this year?" May asks

I chew slowly
"It was good"

"I was happy to be home"

"Was my boy good when meeting your father?"
"I hope he made a good impression"

"He did"
I look over at Grayson

"He was perfect"

We ate our food, laughed and it honestly felt like a real Christmas

After helping cleaning up and watching some more Christmas movies

We decided to get some sleep because tomorrow was Christmas Day and we'd have a train to catch to get back to the University.

Grayson looked at me with an intense expression

"Thank you"


"Making this Christmas so special for my mom"

I gave a wobbly smile and turned around again so my back was too him

Because if he stared at me too long he'd see it in my face

The fact that I like him and I couldn't have him knowing because me and him could never be

I felt him behind me

"I got you something Jameson"

I turned to look at him
"You did?"

Grayson gently grabbed my wrist and with one hand clasped a bracelet on it

My heart melted into goo

It had one charm on it
An ice skater silhouette

"Do you like?"  it he asks

"Of course I like it"

"Thank you Grayson"
"It's beautiful"

I stood on my tippy toes and gave him a light kiss to the cheek

"I got you something as well"

I pulled out the snow globe from under our bed

Grayson smiled as he took the snow globe from me

"Thank you Jameson"

He leans down and gave me a kiss on my forehead

And tips his head down
He looks at my lips and leans down even further

"Can I have a Christmas favor?" He asks his voice now deeper

The urge to kiss him was so strong
My heart was beating so much I could feel it in my ears

"Yes" I say quietly

He leans down all the way and cups my face with one hand and the other snakes it's way around my waist

And then he kisses me
It was rough yet passionate as if all the pent up frustration and tension was being released

And I let him release it

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Thanks for reading

Also Yess they kissed

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