Chapter Twelve Reality

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                                      Eira's POV
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It's officially been a few days since I got back to campus and I've been avoiding Grayson like the plague

I know it looks mean but I'm protecting myself
It was a promise I made to myself that I wouldn't date hockey players.

And that all of them were bad
Grayson smashed that narrative

But I'm sticking to protecting the only thing that I have that is valuable
My heart

"Are you wallowing in self pity again?" Ivy says crossing her arms

"What No!" I say defensive

"Girl I'm not blind"
" I mean I would be to for turning down such an attractive hockey player"

"Grayson paid you to say that didn't he?"

"No he didn't I'm just saying you fumbled with that one he's a perfect guy and he plays hockey"

"And you let it go all because your scared"

"Ivy I don't need this from you"

"I was cheated on by a hockey player"

"how can I ever trust that he won't do the same?"

"Grayson isn't like that trust me he's one of the rare ones"

"Plus with everything that's going on with his mother why would he treat a women like that?"

All her points made sense I knew it to deep down

But I was stubborn like my mother and would make as many excuses as it took to not get my heart shattered and handed right back to me

"I stand by my decision" I say folding my arms and snuggling into my blanket

"Get up girl"

"No" I whine

"We're going out and there is nothing you can do to stop it"

"Where are we going?" I question

"Don't you worry about that"
"You just worry about getting out of bed and making yourself look cuter than you already are"

I didn't have any other plans so I just decided to go


"Yay you won't regret it!"


I totally regretted this

"How could you ivy?" I said through gritted teeth
We were in the hockey arena

"Sorry babe I'm on payroll of a man named Grayson Wilder"

"I could strangle you" I whisper

"But you won't because you love me"
"See you soon babe I'm going to go find beux"

"Wait!" I try but she is already gone into the stands

"Great" I say rolling my eyes

Then I freeze when I hear whos talking to me

"Well well well isn't Eira jameson?"  Finkle says smugly

I mentally curse Ivy for bringing me here

Finkle was in full blown hockey gear so I wasn't entirely sure why he was speaking to me

"Why are you speaking to me Lincoln?" I question visibly annoyed

"Look Eira I'm just gonna cut to the chase"

I did not like where this was going

"I miss us and I want us to give it another try"

"No" I say not hesitating without another word I start to walk away

"but Eira hold on a second" he grabs my wrist and pulls me back but I don't feel butterflies instead I feel utter disgust

"Take your hand off of me Lincoln"

"I don't want to fight Eira baby I just want us to work it out"

"I'm not your baby and we're never working things out!"

He looked with a shocked and confused expression

"You cheated on me!"

"But that was an accident"

"Oh right you accidentally took of your pants and slipped your dick into her"

"My mistake"

I spun on my heel but this time he grabbed me and tugged me back holding onto my neck aggressively

"Let go of me!"  I struggled against him

But it wasn't for long before I was released and Grayson was standing in front of Me

"What the fuck man?!" Lincoln questioned angrily

Grayson slammed him on the ground

"You just touched her like that and you're questioning me?!"

He picked him up of the ground and was about to swing

"Grayson I really don't want to get in between you two but you have a game and a career don't throw it away for him he's not worth it"

Grayson clenched his jaw so tight I thought it might break

Grayson grabbed my waist and quickly inspected if I was alright

"Baby are you okay?"

All I could do was nod still traumatized from what just happened

"Grayson you have to go"

Finkle somehow was already on the ice

"I'll see you after we need to talk."

All I could do was nod again

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