Chapter Nine Tension

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                               Grayson's POV
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"Eira?"  I ask

She stops and turns back around

"Is Everything okay?" I ask her just in case
but I know the real reason she's here

It's the same reason I had opened the door because I can't sleep without her if that's even possible

"Mhm I can't sleep so I wanted to see if you were still awake"

"Why are you still awake?" She asks with a raised eyebrow

"Same reason couldn't sleep" I answer vague

The air filled with same tension we've been feeling

"Well uh anyway goodnight" she does an awkward wave and spins on her heal

I grab her wrist and tug her backwards into my room

"Grayson what are you doing?"

"Eira me and you both no the reason you came to my door so instead of questioning me let's just go to bed"

"Together?" she questions

"Yes together Eira"

Her gaze softens

"Okay" she says quietly

We both got into bed and it felt like seconds before we were both asleep


"Aw Tom look how cute they are"

"We probably shouldn't be peeping May"

"I knew our son was a snuggler just like you"

"I don't snuggle May"

"Sure you don't"

I hear my parents talking

I peek my eyes open and see that both me and Eira we tangled up in each other

She was still sleeping

"I can hear you guys" I whisper yell

"Whoops sorry honey we'll meet you sleepyheads downstairs"

"Your brother is home by the way"

"Ok thanks guys"

I feel a tiny giggle against my chest

"Are you awake?"  I question

"Yes I have been the whole time I'm just to comfortable to get up"

"Has anyone ever told you your rock hard body is like a pillow" she says tapping my chest

"No but they have told me my rock hard body is good for other things"

She furrows her brows and sticks out her tongue

"So like other girls?" she asks a note of jealousy in her voice

"Yeah" I say cautious I have a feeling I'm gonna bring out jealous Jameson

"How many girls have you slept in the same bed with?"

"One" I answer with a smile

"What was her name?" Eira asks growing stiff

"Eira Jameson"

Her eyes widened

"I'm the only girl you've ever spent the night with without sex"


"Wow what will you tell your puck bunnies?"

I flip us over so she's under me

"I'd like to make something clear Eira"

"I don't have puck bunnies"

"They don't interest me"

"What does interest you?"  she asks her doe eyes shining brightly

I would very much like to put her in this position again

"Guys breakfast Is ready!" My mom screams

Eira flips us over

"We'll continue this conversation later Wilder"

"Yes ma'am"


We ate our food and Eira met my older brother Luke they got along well enough

My mom wanted to do a photoshoot today with me and Eira because we don't have and I quote have many photos together

We don't have many photos together because we aren't actually a couple

But who knows my priorities have changed since this whole fake dating thing

I think I might actually like it and I know exactly who I might like it with

Me and Eira stood a healthy distance apart as we walked into town there was a giant Christmas tree

that reminded me Christmas was only two days away

Should I get her something

"You guys afraid of each other or something touch!" my mom says clinging on to my dad's arm

"Mom are you sure it's a good idea to be out in the cold walking?" I ask concerned

"I'm fine" she says waving her hand in dismissal

I grab onto Eira's hand and she gives a small smile but I can tell she has a lot on her mind

"Stop here" my mom orders

We were in front of the giant Christmas tree

"Ok you guys step in front of the tree" My mom directs

"Now Gray grab onto Eira and give her a kiss on the cheek"

We both pause it's just a kiss on the cheek

I Lean down and kiss her cheek and it's almost as if she couldn't control it but she smiled very bright

I couldn't contain mine as well we both stared at each other

The same tension filled between I was starting to wonder if it would ever go away

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Thanks for reading

We got cheek kiss guys that's progress

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