[14] sorry baby girl

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TW: self-harm and eating disorders are mentioned in the chapter


Waking up, I had no motivation to get up.

"Lily dear, you have to get up" my mom said as she sat down on the bed

"No" I groaned

"Are you feeling okay" she pushes the hair out of my face.

"I just don't want to go to school," I say truthfully.

"Well that isn't an answer is it," she says softly

"Just try and get up okay love" she kisses my forehead before leaving.

Flicking the lights on.

I get up Nathans hoodie on my floor.

I get up grabbing my own hoddie and some black jeans.

I don't even care what I wear.

I waddle into my bathroom and I get ready.

Because I'm not letting, Jackson ruin my life.

Yeah he could tell everyone.

No, he can't.

I worked too hard for him to come here and fuck everything up.

I walk downstairs, both of my parents laughing.

"Oh good to see you're up love" my mom says smiling.

I smile back, sitting next to my dad

"You seem distracted pumpkin, everything okay," my dad asks as he pushes back my hair.

"Its fine dad" I give him a weak smile.

"Gabi and Olivia called last night to see if you were okay," my mom says as she gives me a bowl of grapes.

I love how sweet Gabi and Olivia are. I truly wouldn't be here without them.

"Well I'm going to get going" I say giving them both, a side hug before leaving.

I just have to tell Gabi and Olivia everything and we'll find something out.

We always do.

Getting into my car my body starts getting its motivation back.

This is fine, everything is fine.

I put on some music as I begin driving.

Looking at the time I still have twenty minutes and my first class is English with Nathan so that isn't so bad.

I finally get to the school, I notice Gabi and Olivia both pulling up.

I get out and walk over to them.

"Hey you okay" Gabi hugs me

"I'm fine but can we talk" they both give me a nod as we walk out to the big oak tree.

"So what happened yesterday?" Olivia asks as we all sit down.

"Jackson knows" I mumble

"Knows what" Olivia pulls her eyebrows together

"Everything" I say, not looking at them, only looking at my hands.

"As in everything, everything" I nod

"I don't know how he knows about the tattoo, but he does" Gabi hugs me as tears sting my eyes.

"Well almost everyone knows about your...you know" Gabi comforts me, she's referring to my eating disorder.

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