[31] Going home.

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"w-what do you mean" tears begins steaming my face, this isn't true. She's lying, she has to be.

"She's sick baby" mom lets out another sob, this can't be true. Not abuela, not her.

Mom walks me towards a waiting room, the whole family is here. I look around, everyone is crying. They knew, they all look guilty.

"Why didn't you tell me" I ask, looking at all of them. Abuela has been my best friend my whole life, how could they keep this from me. How dare they.

"We didn't want you to know" dad says quietly

"Lily" Kacy stands up, tears streaming down her face, she wraps her arms around my shaking body. The group stands by the entry of the waiting room.

They are all lying, abuela isn't sick, she's happy and just a little old, and this has to be some sick joke.

"Where is she, what happened" I ask, my face buried in kacy's shoulder.

"She fainted, she hasn't woken up yet" Maddie answers, she wakes over.

Joining the hug, I sob into Kacy shoulder. Why, not now. It's not her time to go. This isn't fair.

"When can we see her" I turn to mom, Kacy and Maddie releases me, walking back to their parents.

"We don't know baby" dad answers as he comforts mom, I turn to the group seeing Olivia and Gabi crying, with milo and ace hugging them.

Nathan looks at me with pity, I run into his arms letting my legs give up. Nathan picks me up, and walks over to the waiting chairs, he sits down with me on his lap.

I hate this, I hate having him seeing me this vulnerable. So I hide my face in his shoulder, his hands goes up and down on my back. I continue sitting on his lap like the weak baby, I am.

"Love" Nathan whispers, I slowly look up seeing his beautiful face. He cups my face then kisses my forehead, I let him.

"Um, family to Mary Harrison" a nurse says, shyly.

My head turns so fast I think it might've snapped. Everyone stands up, looking worried.

"Um Mary is awake but she's weak" the nurse says again,

"Can we visit her?" Kacy asks eagerly.

The nurse looks around the room, filled with family all looking worried. She looks down at her notes and looks back up.

"I suppose so, but if you guys could take turns" she answers hesitantly, all the uncles and aunts goes in first. I continue to sit in Nathans lap, waiting patiently for my turn.

Nathans hands rubs my back as I fidget with my fingers, pinching and pulling the skin. Nathan notices and takes my hands in his. I let out a breath as I let my head fall onto his shoulder.

What would I do without him.

The waiting room I quiet, as everyone waist patiently for their turn.


It feels like years before everyone has gone in, which means it's my turn. I choose to go in last and alone. I just need her to be okay.

Taking a deep breath, I grab the doorknob, slowly turning it. Once I get inside, I see her. She's weak and pale. She looks so fragile. It breaks my heart to see her like this. She gives me a weak smile.

"Hi abuela" I say softly, I return her smile. Even though tears are stemming down my face. Her hand goes to wipe away my tears but she's too weak.

"Hi baby"

My LilyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora