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All Aurora wanted was to finally see the outside world.

All she could do, however, was listen to the stories of the campers that got to leave. She was envious, but she knew she couldn't leave.

She was lucky enough that her parent had claimed her. Else, she'd be stuck in Hermes's cabin on the floor.

That cabin looked to be close to bursting at any moment.

"Clarisse?" The scowl on the girl's face dropped when she turned to her, Aurora's curious brown eyes boring into hers. "What's it like to go on quests?"

"Have a seat and I'll tell you the adventures of the great Clarisse!" She exclaimed, pushing a chair out for her. Aurora was the only one at the camp that asked genuine questions because she was actually curious.

She really couldn't help the curiosity. She did grow up on campgrounds after all.

"You can't leave, Marcellia. It's too dangerous."

"Marcellia!" Chiron's voice boomed, interrupting Clarisse's story of how she battled her way through school. The taller girl huffed as Aurora stood and dusted her pants off, offering her a smile before making her way to the Big House.

"Hello." Aurora politely said, Annabeth giving her a side hug as the two men smiled back at her. Which was rare for Dionysus, seeing as he almost always had a scowl on his face.

"Let me guess, Clarisse was telling you another over exaggerated story?" Annabeth asked as she leaned against the railing, Aurora sheepishly smiling and scratching her cheek. "I don't know why you listen to her."

"What else am I to do? I can only walk around the campgrounds, no one will let me leave." She huffed, squinting at her. "And where were you all day?"

"Nursing the new camper back to health." Aurora perked up at that, leaning against the rail and perching her cheek on her fist.

"Where's he from?" Annabeth shrugged, Aurora rolling her eyes and huffing. "Dear Gods, does he at least look interesting?"

"Not at all."

"Ah crud, I'm going back to listen to Clarisse rant on about how she battles her way through the halls." She huffed again, going to leave only to run right into the camper they were just talking about. "I am so sorry!"

"I-it's fine." He mumbled, completely entranced by her. Her hands were soft and warm, skin tanned from the sun and hair (which was originally dark brown) more of a bronze. Her eyes were a deep brown, naturally curious as they stared at him. There's something off about her eyes...

"No, it's not fine! Jeez, I- you could've been hurt." She huffed, putting space between them when he was standing straight. "Uh, I'll be going now."

"What? Uh, no way." Grover muttered with a quiet scoff, grabbing her by the back of her shirt. "There's a new person here and you don't wanna question him?"

"I nearly knocked him over just now."

"Come, sit." Chiron said to Percy, Dionysus pulling a chair up. He took the seat, keeping his eyes on his hands instead of oogling at Aurora. "Annabeth."

"Okay." Grover quietly mumbled when Aurora got free, letting her walk away. Chiron smiled and shook his head, knowing that she was just embarrassed.

Aurora hummed as she made her way to her cabin, eyes solely focused on it as she allowed them to melt back into their original color of light gold.

"Hey, squirt." She gasped and jumped on her older sister, the teen grinning and hugging her tightly. "Gods, I'm gonna cry."

"You made it another year!" She excitedly squealed, pulling back and taking the older girl's face in her hands. Aurora didn't mind the fresh scar across her cheek, her sister was still as beautiful as ever to her. "The Gods have blessed us once again!"

𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐧 || Percy JacksonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon