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Aurora didn't consider dream visits actual dreams.

They took away from her time to rest.

Especially when it was a person she didn't know. And now doesn't like.

"Yeeeesh, look who woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Ryland jumped when she walked out of the bathroom, a cold glare on her face. "Nightmare?"

"Night- it's like he doesn't even know me." She grumbled under her breath, Marsh waddling up to her. "Come on, Mal. We're going for a walk."

No one thought Aurora could look as unapproachable as she currently did. She's had her bad days, but whoever visited her in her dream pissed her off.

Aurora was a hard person to piss off.


"I'm not supposed to talk to you, Luke." She mumbled, continuing to walk ahead while the older teen jogged to catch up to her. He flashed her a grin, one that probably would've made any other girl falter but had no effect on her. "Go away."

"I noticed that you look a bit upset and I thought, 'what better way to let off some steam than teaching campers how to fight with swords?' Right?" He walked backwards in front of her, the girl moving around him.

"I'm not supposed to talk to you."

"I have candy." He said in a singsong voice, Aurora stopping and turning to look at him. She narrowed her eyes and he reached into his pocket, producing an unopened pack of sour candy she liked.

" just happened to have that?" She questioned, tilting her head slightly. The sky seemed to get brighter, almost as if warning her. "I can't talk to you."

"C'mooon. What bad thing can come out of teaching campers?" He kind of had a point. Aurora sighed, following him at a distance. She told him to keep the candy.

Marsh brightened at the sight of Percy, leaning over and whispering something to Aurora as she stood a few paces away from Luke.

"Not everyone carries marshmallows." Aurora mumbled back, the flame dimming a bit. Marsh really liked marshmallows.

"All right!" They'd gone through some things before Luke decided to demonstrate something, Aurora's sour mood still present. In fact, it worsened since it seemed like Apollo was trying to blind her. "If Percy doesn't mind, I want to give you a little demo."

Aurora raised her brows, turning to look at him. Luke flashed her another grin.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt him." He mumbled something else but she was standing too far away, the two of them looking at Percy. "This is difficult. I've had it used against me."

Aurora wouldn't consider herself a good swordsman, mainly because she doesn't like using her sword. Surprisingly, she'd rather use her fists. Depending on the monster, of course.

"No laughing at Percy. Now, most swordsmen have had to work years to master this technique." Luke skipped over Aurora's talents, mainly because it would irritate her more. And he didn't want to push her buttons.

Luke showed Percy how the move was supposed to work, occasionally glancing over to watch Aurora's reactions. She shook her head slightly when he did something wrong, but other than that her face remained stoic.

"Now, in real time. We keep sparring until one of us pulls it off." Percy collected his sword from the ground, taking a deep breath. "Ready, Percy?"

He nodded and they got into stance. Suddenly, Percy was keeping up with Luke. In fact, he made the blond fight a bit harder to try and disarm him.

𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐧 || Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now