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"WHATTT?!" Sunoo screamed while standing up. Everyone, except Jay, looked at Niki, who was with his hands crossed now and then at me. I turned really shy and Niki chuckled. "Wasn't it what you wanted me to say Jay hyung?" Niki asked and looked at him. Jay nodded. "Wait! When did this happen?!" Heeseung asked while looking at me. "Today," Niki said and everyone was looking at him once again. "When?" Jungwon asked, "Well after we were done with the live," Niki started and looked at Jake "I and Y/n went to the practice room, and there, I confessed and asked her to be my girlfriend," Niki finished. "How did Jay find out? Di-" Jake asked but was cut off by Sunoo, "DID YOU TELL HIM FIRST AND NOT ME?!" everyone then looked at him with angry faces 'cause of his screams. "Sorry, but really, how did Jay find out?" Sunoo asked now talking in a calm voice. "He entered the practice room and then saw us, afterwards, he forced us to tell him everything..." I finally said and looked at Jay. He fake smiled and looked at Niki. "I trust you, Niki, I'm pretty sure you won't break her heart, but in case you do, just know, I. WILL. KILL. YOU... Got it?" Jay said and everyone went silent, while Niki smiled. "Trust me on this one. I will never break Y/n's heart...I gave her a promise," Niki said looking at me at the last part. I smiled and so did he.


>~~~ NIKI'S POV ~~~<

It was almost 11 pm and all of us said goodnight and went to our rooms (every member has separate rooms). I went to my room and got ready for bed, I was tired because of the exhausting week we had. I got my pijama pants on and my shirt off, got into the bed and took my phone.

I've been on my phone for like 15 or 20 minutes, when I got a message. It was...Y/n? Isn't she sleeping yet? She was the first one to go to her room... I opened the message.

~ Message ~

Y/n: Hi...

Niki: Hey, why aren't you asleep yet?

Y/n: Idk...

Y/n: Did I wake you up?

Niki: No, I was on my phone for the past 20 minutes or so, but I don't believe that you "don't know" why you're still up... What's on your mind?

~ Real Life ~

>~~~ Y/N'S POV ~~~<

Niki was right, I knew why I wasn't sleeping yet. The reason was himself. Yes, I tried to sleep, but Niki was just all over my mind and I just couldn't fall asleep.

~ Message ~

Niki: Were you thinking about me?

Y/n: (seen)


Y/n: Okay okay, yes I was thinking about you. And how can you be so rude?!

Niki: What do you mean? How is any of my texts rude?!

Y/n: No, not your texts. I meant, how can you be so rude 'cause you don't let me sleep with you face in my head...

Niki: ...

Y/n: What?

Niki: Come to my room.

Y/n: What?! No!

Niki: Now.

Y/n: No, I don't want to. Plus, what if the others hears me, you know how mad Hee becames if he finds out that I'm not sleeping.

Niki: I. Said. Now.

Y/n: Omg, fine fine, geez, I'm coming.

~ Real Life ~

I didn't want to go, but I knew that Niki will come to my room if I don't go to his. I knew that he won't leave me alone, he's not one of those people to be all shy if he wants something.

As I was walking to his room I heard something and hid behind a huge plant. It was Jake, he seemed really sleepy. Jake walked to the kitchen, got some water and went back to his room. I reliested a sigh I didn't know I was holding and fastly walked to Nikis room door. I was about to knock, but the doors just flew open reveling Niki...SHIRTLESS!?!?!?!?!?!?

>~~~ NIKI'S POV ~~~<

I pulled her into my room, picked her up and threw her on my bed. After that, I got on top of her and hugged her. I felt her being intensted, again.

"Relax," I said and hugged her tighter. After some time Y/n relaxed and hugged me back. I got surprised and lifted myself from her. "Did you just listen to me and relaxed?!" I asked and she giggled. "Shhh, and why are you so surprised? For the whole day, you told me to not be shy around you and now you're surprised?" Y/n said and I laughed.


I know that this chapter is a bit random and short, but I'm too tired to write anything else.


✓ His eyes • Riki NishimuraWhere stories live. Discover now